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S/O of the plus size models thread regarding husbands.

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I think it is fine to be naturally skinny:) It does concern me though that there are many models who starve themselves to be unnaturally thin though. It sets an impossible standard for most women. I know that these fashion magazines are catering to women, but frankly I cannot imagine that the average women thinks that these models look good with the anorexic look. I think the average women would rather see great looking, average size women like Marilyn Monroe:) I think these fashion magazines are in a sense thumbing their noses at the averages women's tastes IMHO.

Isn't it funny that Marilyn Monroe today, would be too plus sized to shoot? I mean, she wore a 16, a size so many people consider overweight today!

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Ok, I don't get all up-at-arms over math curriculums or breast vs bottle or unschooling vs school at home but this type conversation almost always results in people saying things that could really be an insult to me. I'm 5'4" and about 103lbs. I'm very healthy and extremely rarely sick. Size 0 pants only fit me in select brands. Old Navy, Gap, J Crew carry a 0 that isn't meant to truly be worn by a 0. It's so annoying!


I understand you might be happy with your weight but I'm happy with mine too. I've never started a thread about how disgusting overweight people are and calling them hurtful, insulting words. Here are just a few I've picked out of this thread so far: half-starved teenagers, comparing real-sized woman to a toothpick, look like little girls, stick insect, and several examples of emaciated. To be emaciated is to make or become extremely thin by starvation or disease.


Please...nobody would stand in the checkout line at the grocery store ranting about how disgustingly fat the women around them are but everyone nods in frantic approval when they rant over how skinny and disgusting the models and actresses are. Think about it. I'm not the way I am because I starve myself. This is the way my body is. I don't insult "them" and I'd really appreciate no longer being insulted by "them".


We are a typically thoughtful bunch on here. Please think before you speak/type. You wouldn't call someone that and wouldn't want it in return.




Thank you :)


Yes. This. I am one of those women who is extremely thin without even trying. Yes, I return very quickly to my pre-pregnancy pants. I've got the 'knees and elbows' thing going on. Sue me. I guess some people think I'm too thin, or that I resemble an insect...nice. For the record, it hurts to be told you are too thin just like it hurts to be told you are too fat.


This is the only body I've got. It's strong, capable, healthy, and skinny.

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I was wonder if you gals could ask your husband's opinions of these women without telling them why. If they are anything like my hubby, you will have to give them some idea of what it is you want to know. Is she wel built, average size, bigger or smaller than most women they know IRL? What size do they think she wears, etc.? I am curious to see what men's opinions on the matter are as I have a feeling this is where a lot of the disconnect comes from.


Most men do not see a lot of naked women. They see models, actresses, singers. They think this is normal, that this is what women look like. And most men seem to have blinders when it comes to their loves. They see the love of their life as perfection and don't see anything that is less than. This is why so many men can not tell you what color eyes their wives have. That's why they don't notice when we change our hair, or lose weight. They have an idealized version of us in their head and that is all they see. They don't compare other women to us. They compare other women to the models and I bet that most men if not prompted to say otherwise would say that woman is plus-sized and may go on to comment about her pooch, her rear, her thighs.


Anyhow, I am kind of curious to see if this plays out as I would expect so if you don't mind ask your hubby: Wwhat size he thinks she wears? What size she looks in comparison to average women. Is she build about the same as other women? Things along these lines? Be sure to tell him that you don't want him to compare her to you but to other women, the general population, what he thinks a woman should look like.


I have consistently read that men prefer heavier women than what women think is the ideal weight, etc. I think it's our problem, not theirs.

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