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Do You Make Pasta?

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I've been playing around with it recently but I'm not happy with the way it's coming out--after reading your instructions I think it must be my flour composition.


Not that the teenage bottomless pits who snarf up my mistakes have noticed any problem. :-)




Semolina will give you more "tooth" and a prettier yellow color. Try 50/50, it will make rolling easier and then you can play with moving the ratio up if you prefer.


To my mind !00% flour noodles are not "pasta". Not "bad", just not pasta.


I hope the instructions bring you a small sliver of the enjoyment your work has afforded me.



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Bill, thanks for your inspiration. I went down to the basement and found my trusty, dusty Atlas...and the girls and I will be making some tonight. I think I will use 75 semolina and 25 spelt. :drool:


Spelt huh? I never used Spelt flour. Is it soft like regular wheat flour? Or are you doing to have stiff dough to work out?



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