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How do you get the most bang for your buck?


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In my panic with #5, I am further evaluating how to bring creative efficiency into our school day. Can you share your tips? All ages are welcome since I love peaking into older kids' lives.


I'll start with a couple things that are working really well for us.


1) Combining spelling, grammar, and handwriting with CM copywork. I am using the day-by-day dictation from google books as a base. I used to think that copywork was osmosis teaching, but I have since realized that I have to teach through the copywork. :D I also tried to use WWE for this, but the sentences and words from the workbook were too complicated for us. We spend about 10 min/day for four days/week on spelling, grammar, and handwriting.


2) I set a timer for math, and we spend an intense, uninterrupted 25 min/day for four days per week. When time is up, we stop. I no longer worry that we are doing too much or not enough. We plod along at dd's pace in 25 min/day.

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As I progressed to having children in multi-levels, I learned quickly that I needed a little help. I found curriculum that catered to multi-aged families, was already very planned out, and is considered a complete curricula. No more digging for copywork, maps, pulling out my own vocab.; I needed descent presentation.


I shopped used and have been able to save on 2 years of TOG, 3 years of PR(Phonics Road), and WriteShop. TOG and PR layout everything I need, I just have to review the teacher's notes and DVD, respectively. This saves me $$ b/c I'll never need another history program (I use the library heavily), and I'll only need student notebooks for PR.


I also realized how futile going academically hog wild and deep with lower grammar students is. I spent SO MUCH TIME on my first 2 while they were in K-2 and when we came back around, they didn't remember squat. Lesson learned. Fundamentals first. I don't bother with the frill in those ages and I am finding it works quite well.


Duct tape. Really. My 14 and 13 yo use the same 4" binders I bought for them when they were 5 & 6. Per WTM recs, I bought them, and since I paid so much per binder, when they rip at the spine, I duck tape them. The dc think it looks cool and I have just saved a ton of money! Now they even have colored duct tape. I haven't bought any yet, but I am eyeing the sweetest purple.


Recycle paper. If I misprint or over copy, I use the other side to print or any other way I can during school. Saves a lot.


Shop school sales. I bought 200 1 cent pocket folders a couple of years ago. We still have about 75 left. I bought 4 cases of 5 cent spiral notebooks. They should last us another couple of years.


School stuff as gifts. I tell my mom what books are coming up and she often buys the literature as stocking stuffers and presents for my dc that Love to read.


Library book stores don't even know what they have! I got an entire volume of Peter Rabbit for $3 once. The bargains I get there!


Food....start small for your brood and snack if they're still hungry!


Drink water...skip all the other stuff. No one really needs it.


Finally, save your school stuff. You will have a dc come along that just doesn't learn the same way. It would be nice to grab off the bookshelf and have what you need. Happened here many time. Along the same lines, if you create your own manipulatives for something...save them. Being organized is half the battle.


Hope these ideas work for you. Congrats on that baby. When the hormones fade and you see that sweet face.......

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I just realized you meant time....sorry no coffee in me! Let me remedy that and I'll be right back!


mmmm coffeeeeeee. That's the way to start a chilly morning!


The timer is your friend. We have 3 in use most of the time.


The computer is also your teaching assistant. :) The grammar stage is so full of memorization that I could spend the entire day drilling the variety of drill games. Well, I don't have time, so I subbed it out to the computer. All the dc practice math drills, geography drills, vocab. and spelling drills online and use CD's for logic and spelling. This is not their primary means of study, just drills. It has saved me a ton of time and they are all happy about it b/c it seems like game time, not just school.


Knock out school time for the youngers. They need your attention first. The olders are able to work independently and get with me in the afternoons. Block teaching has saved us and honestly allowed us continue home schooling. When I meet with the Elders, I teach anything and everything they need to know without breaking for them to do the practice work involved. They then walk away and work independently.


Fundamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals. If they are strong in fundamentals, you'll save yourself all the catch up I had to do. What a nightmare. I thought I was doing so much, and I was, but in the wrong areas. I focused too heavily on history and science when they were young and not enough on memorization (math facts) and fluency (practice reading, practice, practice). It was a HUGE mistake...don't make it too!


Expect long days. If you get yourself in the mindset that school is only a couple of hours, that's fine for the younger years, but once you get to 4th grade or so...that will change. Just accept it and don't be surprised when it comes. The whole 3 hour school day does not last into Jr. High.


Get up early. Go to bed last. Proverbs 31 is no joke! When the teacher is prepared, the whole world is a better place.


Now, I hope that helps too! Yeah for coffee!

Edited by johnandtinagilbert
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http://purposegames.com A huge variety of games, we focus on geography here by either using or creating maps that go along with our history study. It is really a few clicks, then you have your own maps up and running. I am in the process of creating a group that correlates with TOG. There is much more to the site, but our focus is geography.


http://starfall.com great phonics and reading practice Honestly, kept my preschoolers busy, while learning, and they have all loved it. Used it for 4dc at this point. It's busy work, but at least constructive.:blush:


http://quizlet.com Flashcards (online, printable, printable lists), games for any sort of memorization. I use it for spelling, vocab (history, spanish, latin), even state abbreviation memorization. I have TOG Y3, LR, and Spanish in 3months flashcards in my groups.


http://math-u-see.com We use the online drills and often the online worksheets when we need extra practice


http://spellingcity.com create your own spelling list then dc have a huge variety of games. Use your own sentences or the ones they generate.


http://coolmathgames.com many, many games, very fun!


Spelling City, Quizlet, and Purpose Games allow for sharing. This is great. I have a friend on Spelling City. Between the two of us, we get a lot of lists up easily. Same at Purpose Games. I create maps that a friend uses, while she creates Rhetoric Vocab. lists on Quizlet (that I'll be using eventually :) ). The sharing is great.


Each of these sites are SIMPLE to use and very valuable in our day. The children really enjoy them and all said they feel like they're having fun, not doing school (darn kids).



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