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The Well Planned Day and corresponding student agenda

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Has anyone seen the corresponding student agendas? There's one for middle-school and one for high school. Any reviews on these would be greatly appreciated!


For those that bought The Well Planned Day last year, do you still like it after all these months? Did it live up to the hype? I sooo wanted to buy one but already had printed off schedule sheets so I held myself back. Now I'm looking at them for next school year.


So what are your likes/dislikes about it? If you bought it, will you be buying it again? Why or why not?

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I LOVE my planner!! It works great for me. Although, I do not use the grocery lists, I really want to. I use mine for 2 kids. I have not seen the corresponding student agendas, I will have to go look at those.I give the planner a :thumbup:


Good to know. The grocery list part was something I was thinking I would hardly use as well.


I have been looking at this too.


Looks nice, eh? :D


Now, there's got to be more reviews from folks who have used it since the school year started... unless there are negative reviews and nobody wants to post that? Naaah, I doubt that! ;) So let's hear what you have to say about it! :bigear: I'm sure there are plenty of us anxious to hear how it's been going! Does this planner live up to the hype it created last year? :bigear:

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I'm on the fence about buying it again. I just love how beautiful it is. That's it's main draw. :001_huh:


Functionality-I did not like the pre-labeled subject areas. I would rather have the boxes, but label them myself. Yes, I can just black out the labels and write my own. But, I didn't like the thought of having a messy planner. :D I have not gotten into the habit of using the grocery lists. I usually shop once a month and those itty bitty lists would not cut it. I did like the dinner menu area-wish it was full day menu, though, and not just dinner. I liked the spot for "weekly priorities". It was nice to jot down things I needed to do, but was likely to forget. I did not read any of the articles. Perhaps they were encouraging? I don't know. :tongue_smilie: I also did not use the report cards. I don't grade the girls' work, so report cards were not necessary at this point. I did not use the planner to it's full potential at the beginning of the year. Around December, I really cracked down, used the schedule to get myself more organized and really utilized the list areas. It really was helpful to me and the more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to say I'd order it again...at the discount price. It's got a better set up than anything I've used previously.


Clear as mud, right? :D

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My biggest problem with it is that I am really not a planner. I don't use it to map out where we are going, I mostly use it to record what we have finished. I have always homeschooled like this, and despite my best efforts, I have not been able to break out of that mold. It is still a vital part of how I function, as I refer back to what we have finished constantly and I record due dates for long term things that are coming up. I, too, would prefer blank rows verses pre labeled. Still, it's beautiful and I love it. I use the grocery list as a library list, so those get used. I will be using the report card for my oldest. I have no complaints, other than the price. I don't feel that it is unreasonably priced, she's put a lot of work into it. It's just a lot for me to spend when I don't really use it to it's fullest. It's just so pretty, I can't help myself.

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Thank you for your responses, Rebecca and Shannon. Well... I ordered it. :lol: I ordered the middleschool agenda as well. I just... couldn't stand it! I don't think I'll get reviews on that one because I believe this is the first year they're available.


I am a planner to a degree, but I also like to wing it a few days every now and again and then get back on track. I figure as long as I don't use ink to fill in daily work, I'll be fine. I just need to make quarterly goals and try to stick to that by figuring out each week as it approaches.


Thank you for responding! I agree, she put a lot of work into it. I used to do editing and graphic design for magazine publishing, so I can appreciate the amount of work she put into it. Yup, it's purty! :001_smile: And it'll look even purttier sitting on my coffee table! :tongue_smilie:

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I've been using the planner since September. Using it has definitely increased our productivity, but any planner would have had the same results. ;) Just having the list of what we need to do each day has helped in actually getting it done.


To be honest, I haven't taken the time to read any of the articles or even the quotes and verses. :tongue_smilie: I guess I am too focused on the planning aspect of it.


It is beautiful though, and I like the color coordinated graphics.

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