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Auditory Processing Disorder testing..


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Two of my daughters just finished auditory processing disorder testing yesterday. It was a total of 10 hours of testing, but this included speech evals as well. So they did 5 hours last Monday and 5 hours this Monday.


Was that a ridiculous amount of time for APD testing? My husband says it was ridiculous because once the child gets tired/uninterested they are not going to perform to their potential resulting in skewed results. Our 9 yr old was completely overwhelmed, said it was very hard, and was crying and covering her ears after it was over (they're both Aspies, btw).


I can't help but think that they had a reason for "overworking" the ears/brain to see how it performs when it's tired, etc. Does that make sense? Or was it a ridiculous amount of time? They did speech evals too, but unfortunately, the 9yr old has issues with both auditory and speech so she was very overwhelmed with five hours per day.


How did your APD testing go? How long was it and what did it entail?

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My kids APD testing by an audiologist took between 2 and 2.5 hours. Speech evals were done separately by an SLP and took up to 2 hours, depending on kids' age at the time; they've both had multiple evals. (Our audiologist is also an SLP, but she only does audiology now; however, she works out of an ENT/SLP office.) Even the educational psychologist who evaluated them didn't go longer than 3 hours in one day. Once kids get tired and stop attending to the tasks, the results are no longer valid.


The APD evals started with a hearing test that was more involved and gives more precise results than a regular hearing test. They then had various tests that measured four different aspects of auditory processing. Binaural integration and phonemic awareness were two of them; I can't remember the other two. I thought of one more - there is a test to evaluate whether the person processes language differently than other sounds.

Edited by LizzyBee
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My daughter also was tested last year (and took the language portion again this year). It took a few hours. She did the hearing first and then the speech. There was a break in the middle.


She couldn't have lasted 5 hrs. She barely made 3. She doesn't like to be tested as she gets easily overwhelmed. (she's 10.5)



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