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Paragraph Town / Essay Voyage Question


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I was wondering if these make sense without using MCT grammar? I like the idea of teaching succinct writing but I am happy with our grammar choices right now.


We are doing IEW Ancient Writing this year an although it is working I am sometimes frustrated at how my boys will kill a perfectly good sentence by adding decorations. For example, my ds wrote a sentence that said something about a messenger, who was tired, entered the room. This was done because he HAD to add a who/which to his paragraph. To me, it seems that to just say "a weary messenger entered the room" would be more effective and readable. I understand that the point of forcing dress-ups and decorations is to get them to use them, but I also want them to understand how to write clearly. This is my weakness also. I hate correcting writing. There are too many gray areas. (3 Short Sentences)

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My friend is using Paragraph Town w/out the grammar just fine. Her son has done GWG previously.


I loved the example MCT gave in Sentence Island.


The starving pelican gulped down the minnow.


A very, very hungry pelican caught a tiny little fish in his beak and swallowed it in a really big hurry.


He goes on to add that Mark Twain said "kill all adjectives" and Stephen King said, "Adverbs are not your friend." :lol:

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