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Anyone done R&S Homelands of North America?


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No experience with that particular book, but this is what I do. First I decide how many literature books we want to read during the year. Then look into books for that time period. The 2 resources the pp mentioned would work well if you have them. If not, there are a number of sites that list literature by date.


Here are a couple:

A Book in Time






Paula's Archives


I have also used the SL catalog when choosing literature books.



There are free online literature guides that you can use for discussion questions. Here are a few:















We have always done this instead of using a literature curriculum.

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I used the 4th grade R&S book and interwove it with MFW:ECC. It worked beautifully!


I am also looking at possibly using the 5th grade text as a spine for next year, and I'm thinking about adding some of the Christian Liberty Press books to go along with it, or perhaps The Light and the Glory series

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We are finishing Homelands of North American right now. :) It is the 5th grade Book. We read chapter books based on the themes of each Chapter in the text.


Ch. 1 - The North American Continent

2. The First North Americans (Books: Squanto, etc.)

3. Europeans come to North America (Books on Settlers, Early colonies, etc)

4. Life in Colonial America (books on Pioneers)

5. The Struggle to Govern North America (Revolutionary War)

6. The Settled Country Grows and Changes (Balloon Boy of San Francisco was one we read here).

7. Slavery and the Civil war

8. Settlement of the West (Great Plains)

9. How changes in the 1800 affected us (Inventions)

10. North Americans in the 20th Century (WW I, WW II, Great Depression)

11. Modern Life in N. America (Modern inventions/technologies)

12. Regions of the US (State or area studies?)

13. Regions of Canada (Canadian unit study?)

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I used it and supplemented very heavily. Just for an FYI, it had a lot of references to what the Mennonites believed on certain things. I could edit them out or tell my son to disregard it in the book, but got tired of doing that. I used SOTW and American history readers and used some of Ambleside online history.

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