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(female content)..If you had a uterine ablation, did you or your dh

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have to be permanently "fixed" before the doc would do the procedure? It is coming to this for me. I am 30, done having kids, and the menorrhagia has gotten unbelievable. :( However, my doctor does not want to do the procedure unless I get my tubes tied or my dh has a vasectomy. I can't ask dh to do this to HIS body so I can get the ablation...and I have issues with being put under to have the tubes tied.


Did anyone have the ablation without one or both of you being permanently "fixed"??? Has it been a problem for you?

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I have not had an ablation but of the five or six women I know, none of them were asked to do this. One had already had her tubes tied, and one's husband had already had a vasectomy...but none were asked to do so (oh, the things I know...why do I know these things about people!!!).

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I have not had an ablation but of the five or six women I know, none of them were asked to do this. One had already had her tubes tied, and one's husband had already had a vasectomy...but none were asked to do so (oh, the things I know...why do I know these things about people!!!).




I am so confused about that procedure. I've known 3 people that have had them. 2 had them to avoid hysterectomy and to TRY and get pregnant again. One had it to avoid hysterectomy and was told it would solve all her problems BUT that she wouldn't be able to have any more kids:confused:. I don't know what all her problems were, but then again, neither did her Dr's apparently. She ended up hemorrhaging horribly and having a hysterectomy 3 weeks later. That was 6 weeks ago and she's still not done healing. What I tell EVERYONE with any medical problem is GET a SECOND OPINION. Seriously. I have a great Specialist. So great, she's now out of network and I'm paying through the nose to see her. However, I still get a second opinion. If the verdicts don't jive, get a third. It's absolutely necessary.



Female problems suck



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Here's an answer a friend gave me...she gave me permission to post this on WTM:


(Just again to note, this is from a friend...I have not had an ablation.)


I had an ablation & yes, it was highly recommended that something permanent be done. I didn't feel lectured though - in fact, I felt like she really clearly explained the risks of a pregnancy post-ablation. They are serious both to mom & baby!! These risks, imho, should be discussed with anyone considering an ablation - especially to those who would not just abort for spiritual/ethical reasons. If a woman gets pregnant post-ablation an abortion is more than recommended. In other words, the pressure would be on! The woman is at risk because the uterine lining cannot support the pregnancy by allowing the placenta to adhere properly; instead, it often adheres to the uterine wall itself or grows out of the uterine wall & attaches to an internal organ. The baby is at risk because the placenta cannot nourish the baby properly. Most people have miscarriages, but for those that do sustain the pregnancy the outcome is almost never good - almost always resulting in the death of the baby & often the mother too. If the baby survives, there can be serious birth defects. Of course, there are miracle stories but for the most part it's not a good situation. I have a df who was not told all this & was horrified to find out that she could be putting her life & the life of a future little one at risk. Of course, the final decision is always left to the person having the procedure - but, the facts should be out there! If doing something permanent for birth control is not an option, then other procedures to deal with the female issues should be discussed.




ETA: Another person I just asked, said yes, she had to have a permanent method of birth control in place before ablation would be considered.

Edited by chaik76
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Thank you all for the feedback/advice. There are times that I think I can handle this...and other times (like this morning when I was flooding every 30 minutes and having clots the size of quarters and just feeling utterly miserable) I feel like the ablation would be such a welcomed thing!


I will probably try natural progesterone before I do anything else. My doctor will not do the ablation without my tubes being tied.


Oh...and my doc does NOT put you under to have an ablation. You take a motrin before the procedure and after and have someone drive you home. You are never asleep at all...not even conscious sedation.

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Thank you all for the feedback/advice. There are times that I think I can handle this...and other times (like this morning when I was flooding every 30 minutes and having clots the size of quarters and just feeling utterly miserable) I feel like the ablation would be such a welcomed thing!


I will probably try natural progesterone before I do anything else. My doctor will not do the ablation without my tubes being tied.


Oh...and my doc does NOT put you under to have an ablation. You take a motrin before the procedure and after and have someone drive you home. You are never asleep at all...not even conscious sedation.


I can not even imagine having a procedure like this done while awake and only with motrin!

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