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If you use Singapore AND Horizons, can you plz check in here....


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We're just finishing up Horizons 2 and Singapore 2B Standard. I don't have a clear-cut method at this point, multiplication was taught initially in Singapore, reviewed in Horizons, but then Horizons covered more numbers and then those numbers were reviewed in Singapore. That's kind of the way it goes here. Singapore goes deeper on some things (fractions) and some things were introduced in Singapore and not covered in Horizons (division) Overall, at least at this level, I'm finding matching the levels is working well.

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Horizons was our main program with Singapore used more as a supplement. I started with Singapore 2b when my oldest was in Horizons 3, and we continued on up, finishing both series at about the same time. I never made a conscious effort to coordinate them, and that worked fine for us. I'm still closer to the beginning of the cycle with my younger one (for whom math is more challenging), but I still like both programs and find their strengths complement each other well. Horizons covers some topics that Singapore doesn't cover at all. Singapore covers some topics (especially word problems) in greater depth, and does more mental math. We just work on both.

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This is what I'm thinking-that Horizons would be our spiral review and make *me* feel better that we're getting more "traditional" math too. I'm glad to know that's how it's working out for y'all!


I'm assuming I probably won't need the TM for Horizons? And about how much time does it take you per day to do both? Do you do any of the Singapore supplements or do you find they are not necessary with the Horizons?

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Time is so very individual. I really couldn't say how long it would take other kids to do both. And, of course, the time increases as they get into the later book. In early elementary, we found it pretty easy to do both each day.


I did use the Challenging Word Problems with Singapore, and occasionally the Intensive Practice books as well. But my oldest was very good at math and giving him lots of work and many supplements (the ones above + Zaccaro's Challenge Math books and Number Devil and doing Math Olympiad, etc) seemed the way to go. And now my younger one is struggling with math, so we're working on doing lots and lots to help her get stronger. So maybe we aren't a good measure. ;)


I never used the Horizons TMs. I did occasionally wish I had them for checking answers more quickly in the higher levels. But I survived. :)

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In my research about CLE math , I found an old review of yours praising CLE . I would be interested to know , after using it for a few months , have you changed your opinion on it ? Why are you considering Horizons &Singapore ?


I am also trying to decide between CLE or Horizons &Singapore . I like what I see in CLE samples , love the content , the repetition, the Godly content ...but it does not have mental math .It seems they emphasize a lot on memorization (so does Horizons) .Also , it has too many pages to complete each day so it would be hard to supplement . However , Horizons seems easier to supplement .


Please let me know what you think.


Here is your old post :


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I still use (and love) CLE for my older dd10, who needs the incremental approach and heavy spiral. Although I will say, after doing a lot of CLE, I am seeing her becoming a little more formulaic in her thinking, less understanding of the concept behind the math, so we've added in some worksheets from Math Mammoth for her to add some extra "thinking math."


Younger ds (7 next wk) is very mathy and naturally thinks like Singapore so it will be a better fit for him. He is already doing work like in CLE 3, so I don't want to have him do the whole CLE program; I think Singapore will move more quickly, which he needs. BUT I don't feel comfortable just using Singapore (or any mastery program)-it is my experience that they forget w/out some spiral review. I want to include some spiral with Singapore, but not as MUCH as CLE, so I'm thinking of Horizons. I would happily use CLE to add spiral because I greatly prefer it to Horizons, but I think it would be too much time-wise (as you mentioned) to try to do both Sing and CLE; hoping Horizons will be a quicker way to accomplish the same thing.


Feel free to ask if you have more questions about it! :)

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Just reread that old post and wanted to add that I'm not as happy with the conceptual in CLE as I was two years ago when I wrote that. I have seen her becoming more formulaic than I'd like. I do, however, still think it does a great job with developing algebraic thinking. And I continue to like many, many other things about CLE.


I think adding on a quick, easy, cheap but great math like MM to CLE is a good idea IF you want more conceptual development. (Caveat:I just started MM, but so far I can see some conceptual lightbulbs going on for her, and it doesn't take much time each day, and we both like it a lot.)

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Thank you Happygrace . I think I have to give CLE a try this upcoming year. I am using Horizons this year and I am not too crazy about. I also add Singapore but I wouldn't use it alone . So what I will do is just use Singapore with CLE but crossing some of the exercises --the ones I am sure my dc has mastered .

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We use both, but we're not to far yet. My goal is to use Singapore methods and Horizons as review and to fill in the topics that Singapore doesn't cover (we use US Ed.). I really like the combo. We are almost done with 1B and just starting the second book of Horizons 1. So far it's a perfect match since I'd prefer not to get to some concepts in Horizons until we've covered them in Singapore (like double-digit addition with regrouping). It won't be such a big deal with my next ds as I'll already have experience teaching the Singapore way once.


I'm also adding in CWP in between Singapore levels. We'll tackle the rest of CWP 1 when we finish 1B. We'll probably be at around lesson 130 in Horizons 1 when we start 2A.

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The reason I don't like Horizons is that the TM does not give help at all in teaching concepts. CLE seems to be better at that. ALso although Horizons (AOP) is a Christian publisher, it does not have as much Christian content as CLE. The info on animals and other things on CLE is interesting and I think it will add a little spice , Horizons is more boring despite the color. However , as I said , CLE does have a lot more work than Horizons but since we will be using Singapore , we just have to cross some of it.

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Thanks, BlessedMom-that was helpful to know. I know the Horizons TM is difficult, I have a df that uses it and has tons of trouble teaching from it; I thought, "how bad can it be" but when I borrowed a couple of hers to look at, I knew I couldn't teach from it!


I was assuming if I was using Singapore, I wouldn't need the Horizons TM since it would just be review? Did you find that even with Sing, you were needing to teach the Horizons? (I'm not as worried about the Scripture stuff, stories, etc. We do a TON of Bible, etc-I really just want a strictly spiral review that is quick to do but effective.)


I would love to do Sing/CLE and cross some out of CLE. I think the CLE is so well thought out. The only thing I'm worried about is it taking too long each day, even with crossing out. Also the CLE seems like it will be really easy for him. What levels of CLE/Sing were you planning to do together?

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We are using Horizons as our main program with Singapore as supplement. I don't have the IG or Home guide for Singapore.

If you use Singapore as your main program,probably you won't need the Horizon's manual. But it's nice to have it for checking answers especially for older levels.


I am considering Singapore w/CLE for 2nd grade and if it works up to 7-8th.


What I have to consider is that my child is more auditory sequential(left brain) than visual spatial(right brain) . For him programs like Horizons, Abeka,CLE would work better than Singapore , MAth_U-See or Rightstart. I still want to challenge him though.

I have a younger child who is a strong visual spatial and I can already see how Singapore works better for him than Horizons. I still work with him through both .


So I think even if the learning style it's important, it's good to challenge them in math from all sides :)

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