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For you, what's the difference between "busywork" and "review"?


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as a former teacher...busy work is just that....work to keep the kids busy....knowing full well they didn't need the practice, but in order to keep the kids under control and to be able to help those who needed the extra help, you give the other kids "busywork" so they don't cause trouble. Is that HORRIBLE??? I hate to admit I did that when I was teaching, but that is what they teach you to do in order to keep control of your classroom of 25+ kids. Review to me is a quick way to see what has been retained or what needs to be retaught...it has a specific educational purpose. Did that help?

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I read once that schoolwork is considered "busywork" when it does not have educational value, such as doing a word search for vocabulary words or having students color page after page in a reading workbook. I know some classify worksheets as busywork, but I don't agree. I think there is value in worksheets and that they are a great learning tool when used correctly. Especially for younger children, drill and repetition are necessary and shouldn't be confused with busywork. Just my 2 cents. :001_smile:

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I think it depends on the individual child.


Even word searches have their value if they teach a child to quickly recognize individual words within a sequence of letters. Coloring builds small hand coordination. IMO, it becomes busywork when the child does not NEED the work in order to learn the concept.


In other words, don't fall into the trap of feeling like your child has to do every single page in a curriculum IF that child is retaining well. To become a list-checker or worksheet-checker is to embrace busywork rather than needed review.

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For me, busywork is when you are having a child do worksheets reviewing a certain subject even though they have already mastered it. Then it is just a time filler or portfolio filler, imo:) I consider something review when it is in addition to their regular work and it is something they are struggling with and/or still trying to master.

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Even word searches have their value if they teach a child to quickly recognize individual words within a sequence of letters. Coloring builds small hand coordination. IMO, it becomes busywork when the child does not NEED the work in order to learn the concept.


I should have been clearer in my first post. When I said "no educational value," I meant no value in relation to the subject at hand. For instance, doing word searches of vocabulary words does not increase one's knowledge of the vocabulary. Coloring page after page will not help one to read better. I assumed folks knew what I meant, so I didn't elaborate. I'll be clearer next time. :001_smile:

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It's busy work, if it's just fluff used to keep them busy (I count some books as busy work). It's review, if we're making sure he still knows how to do something and is continuing to do well at it.


Luke does a lot of busy work. Worksheets that look like work (enough to make him happy), but are really just being used to keep him from bugging his brother. Andrew does reviews for the most part. Papers on stuff he's already "learned" but needs more practice on so he doesn't become rusty. I only give him busy work when he's getting on too many nerves being left to his own devices ;)

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