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So, if I am considering pulling my 3rd grader from public school.....

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I want to let her finish the year, but am seriously considering starting homeschooling her next year. My plan was to let her finish through 5th grade, and then homeschool for middle school and beyond. Well, if you read my post about the horrible math curriculum, you can likely relate as to why I'm consider pulling her after this year.


I hadn't even thought of what to do for a 4th grade curriculum. I have no idea what to consider! I need to consider affordable options. I will still have my ds' 1st grade curriculum to purchase, too. I was considering Sonlight for my 1st grader. How do I know if that will work for my 4th grader, too? And do I need to buy all SL stuff? I intend to use MUS for my 1st grader. I have no idea if this is a good fit for my 4th grader. I will need to fill in some holes in her public school education.


Do I need a curriculum for absolutely everything? Can I lapbook with her and fill in some things that way?


I'm trying not to hyperventilate!


Dawn in WA

Edited by DawnL
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oh, and is there a way I can test her on things right now? I know math is lacking, but I want to find out if her grammar, etc, is on level, behind, or what. Tonight I picked up the book, What Your 3rd Grader Needs To Know, and according to this book, she is further behind than I thought.


I was verbally quizzing her on parts of speech, and everything she knows she learned from playing with Mad Libs or SchoolHouse Rock. Isn't that really sad?

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Calm down... this time of the year is perfect to go to your local hs support group's Book Fair. One thing to keep in mind is it all spirals -- what your intro in the elem grades gets repeated again in Junior/Senior High. I tend to be electic... not a big fan of buying one set from one publisher. Maybe other SL fans can help you with this? 4th grade is fun! Taught it for many years in public schools and hs'ed my son at that grade too. Wonderful age!

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I want to let her finish the year, but am seriously considering starting homeschooling her next year. My plan was to let her finish through 5th grade, and then homeschool for middle school and beyond. Well, if you read my post about the horrible math curriculum, you can likely relate as to why I'm consider pulling her after this year.


I hadn't even thought of what to do for a 4th grade curriculum. I have no idea what to consider! I need to consider affordable options. I will still have my ds' 1st grade curriculum to purchase, too. I was considering Sonlight for my 1st grader. How do I know if that will work for my 4th grader, too? And do I need to buy all SL stuff? I intend to use MUS for my 1st grader. I have no idea if this is a good fit for my 4th grader. I will need to fill in some holes in her public school education.


Do I need a curriculum for absolutely everything? Can I lapbook with her and fill in some things that way?


I'm trying not to hyperventilate!


Dawn in WA


Have you read The Well Trained Mind yet? I read it when I was first getting started with homeschooling, and was overwhelmed with all the different options. It really helped guide my selection of materials, and give structure to the whole process in my mind. It's continuing to help guide me now, 9 years later!

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Have you read The Well Trained Mind yet? I read it when I was first getting started with homeschooling, and was overwhelmed with all the different options. It really helped guide my selection of materials, and give structure to the whole process in my mind. It's continuing to help guide me now, 9 years later!


I agree. Even now, after 5 years, when I'm having my monthly homeschool confidence crisis I feel better when I pull out WTM, see the organized plan and schedule - I see that we are going to be ok even if some areas are behind, other areas are ahead.


I would look at Singapore for math - it is so good for really *learning* math concepts instead of just memorizing the facts. I'm really seeing it pay off this year with 4th grade dd, and I have lamented her math skills for quite a while. Even though it isn't her strength she has the knowledge and skill to do her math well (when she feels like it). I know they have a placement test on their website.

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If you're interested in using SL, you can combine both your girls in the same Core. Your kids will be in 1st and 4th, right?


You can combine them in SL Core 1. Your ds can use Readers 1 or Readers 2, depending on where his reading level is. Your dd can use Readers 2 Intermediate or Readers 2 Advanced.


I don't like SL's LA. I used to use it a very long time ago. There are plenty of different programs you can choose from for LA that are inexpensive. You could use First Language Lessons levels 1 and 3 or 1 and 4 for your kids. You could skip LA for your ds and just concentrate on reading and spelling for him. Other LA programs you might like for your dd are Growing with Grammar, Easy Grammar, Winston Grammar.


You have a lot of options for spelling. You could use the free spelling program at http://www.spellingconnectionsonline.com . There are plenty of grade level spelling lists online that you could use. Spelling Workout, Sequential Spelling, and All About Spelling are popular choices. Just note that Sequential Spelling is for 4th grade and up.


Most math programs have placement tests. Popular choices at the 4th grade level are: Singapore (expect her to place into level 2B or 3A at the end of 3rd grade because it's an advanced program), Teaching Textbooks (expect her to skip a grade in this program), Saxon, CLE, MUS, Rod&Staff. All of these are solid programs, but nobody can say which will be the best fit for your dd.

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I'm not going to suggest specific curriculum. I'm going to, instead, encourage you to *chill* and try to deschool yourself. I'd encourage you to forget about "grade level" and "behind". She is where she is. If she's "behind", you'll need to start her where she is, so it doesn't really matter (long term). Don't rush her through the curriculum (in this case, math) in order to catch her up. Instead, embrace learning and quality and not focus on getting "work done".


In addition to reading TWTM, which will help your confidence grow in making curriculum choices, I encourage you to read "Educating the Wholehearted Child" and "For Children's Sake" so that you might have encouraging exposure to how homeschooling is different from and distinct from large group, institutional learning.


If you'd like to bring her home; do. It's your right. Relax. You have the intelligence, willingness, access to resources and motivation to make homeschooling work.


Think more of creating a tone and environment than of what specific curriculum and grade level. Do some reading on "deschooling" so you know what to expect in the transition from school to learning at home.


Get some chocolate and tension tamer tea for yourself. :grouphug:

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If you're interested in using SL, you can combine both your girls in the same Core. Your kids will be in 1st and 4th, right?


You can combine them in SL Core 1. Your ds can use Readers 1 or Readers 2, depending on where his reading level is. Your dd can use Readers 2 Intermediate or Readers 2 Advanced.


I don't like SL's LA. I used to use it a very long time ago. There are plenty of different programs you can choose from for LA that are inexpensive. You could use First Language Lessons levels 1 and 3 or 1 and 4 for your kids. You could skip LA for your ds and just concentrate on reading and spelling for him. Other LA programs you might like for your dd are Growing with Grammar, Easy Grammar, Winston Grammar.


:iagree:Reading your post, my first thought was to keep your kids together in as much as possible, although they'd be working on different levels. I was able to successfully do that until my dd was in 7th grade. Obviously some things will be different, math, spelling, grammar. But you can all do subjects like history, science, literature together and just have FUN. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Oh Please don't worry, taking your dd out of public school is probably one of the greatest gifts you could ever give her. My two oldest went to public school because i was a single mom. They turned out great as far as the world is concerned. but their beliefs are much more worldly.


My youngest is in 4th grade, she has never seen the inside of a public school. BUt God definately has a sense of humor. I personally went to public school. I learned nothing. i was a socializer. I put my books in my locker at the beginning of the hear and took them out at the end. I was interested in boys and partying. If you asked me the definition of academics, i would have said What is that?


We are having a wonderful time homeschooling, and guess what, I am in 4th grade.... you heard me, that is right I am in 4th grade.


I am learning Latin, I am doing Rod and Staff Grammar, and I am actually getting it. I am doing rod and staff math and teaching textbooks, and i am really catching on. We are having a great time.


You can do it. dont beat yourself up. your homeschool IS NOT a public school. you learn through out all of hometime. especially alot of home=ec and character building. Science could be planting a small garden or herbs. HIstory could be reading living books, doing it together. growing a relationship. it is AWESOME> but there are still times i could pinch my daughters head. but it is still worth it. We love homeschooling. I hope this has encouraged you!!!!! nancyt. :)

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