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Set your DVRs - Frontline tonight...

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I say, "Set your DVRs" rather than watch, as I know I'M going to be watching Lost...But, Frontline on PBS looks very interesting tonight:



Digital Nation


"Over a single generation, the Web and digital media have transformed the way we work, learn and connect. FRONTLINE producer Rachel Dretzin teams up with Douglas Rushkoff to explore life on the virtual frontier."




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I just watched this program. I found it to be fascinating! Very well done! They covered a lot of material in the 90-minute program. I'm sure that most people will see many new things and also will see things that will surprise or shock you.


Some topics discussed:


- South Korean "PC Bangs"

- Video game addition

- World of Warcraft

- Second Life

- ARMY Experience Center

- Air Force Predator Drone Pilots

- Role of technology in education (many different views/approaches)

- Multitasking in the digital world


You can watch it online or have online discussions at PBS.org. The show is called "Digital Nation". Highly recommended!


ETA: On the negative side, I was surprised to see there was no segment discussing the addictive characteristics of the WTM Forums! :D

Edited by RegGuheert
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I actually stumbled across this last night quite by accident. I watched it and was very surprised. It was interesting, but I am one of those moms who do not allow too much of interaction with the digital world. I would love to hear other moms thoughts on this, but I am not convinced my kids need to go digital now if they are going to make it in the new world.

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I actually stumbled across this last night quite by accident. I watched it and was very surprised. It was interesting, but I am one of those moms who do not allow too much of interaction with the digital world. I would love to hear other moms thoughts on this, but I am not convinced my kids need to go digital now if they are going to make it in the new world.
I will say that when I watched this show I was thinking back to our early days of homeschooling (about 20 years ago) when I'm pushing to go with the "computerized classroom" and MomsintheGarden put her foot down and said "No, I want to teach with BOOKS!" I've long been convinced that she was right for quite a long time, but somehow this movie further confirmed our decision. I married well! :001_smile:


In our classroom today, our children use the computer for Typing Instructor Deluxe, Rosetta Stone, Quarter-Mile Math and for some writing assignments in Microsoft Word. Other writing assignments are still done with pencil-and-paper such as handwriting assignments and practice essays for SAT or AP tests. They also watch some of their video courses such as Chalk Dust or IEW on the computer, but those are sometimes viewed on the television.

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I'm definitely going to watch it.........online....... :lol:


While we let our girls watch DVDs, selective TV programs, and listen to books on CD, we aren't into electronic teaching via computer, etc. I'm really, really interested in what they have to say about this.


Did they justify my hatred of Facebook?!

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A Q - is this something you'd want to watch yourself, or with your teens & tweens?
We're planning to watch it with all of the children sometime this week. Youngest is five. I didn't see anything that bothered me. It was pretty tactfully done, considering some of the topics that could have been covered.


The reason I want to watch with the children is so that we can have discussions, both positive and negative, about the impacts of technology on people.


ETA: On further thought, I should add that there is some black-and-white "spy camera" footage shown during the last 20 to 30 minutes (of 90) in which you see people being blown up by rockets launched from the drone. The images were taken by the drone itself from probably five or six miles away, but you can clearly seen what is going on up until the explosion occurs. Also, there are some graphic scenes right after that in the ARMY Experience Center section where you see teenagers playing realistic first-person-shooter war video games. I did not notice any gore in that part, but it may be disturbing to some. Again, this is all in the last part of the show.

Edited by RegGuheert
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Did they justify my hatred of Facebook?!
I'll let you decide. They offered a pretty even-handed coverage of this topic, IMO. I will say that Facebook did not get a lot of coverage. I suspect that many of the topics will not be familiar to you. Most were quite new to me. After you watch, please let us know if you think they did or did not. Edited by RegGuheert
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There are quite a few things covered in this show that would make excellent discussion topics here. After you guys have watched, perhaps you can post back here or start a new thread with "Digital Nation:" at the beginning of the title so that we can join in. I don't want to put too many spoilers in this thread until you guys have had a chance to watch.

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