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Why so many hs MATH teachers choose CLE Math?

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I noticed on a few sites that many math teachers are using CLE and praising it ...I've looked at the samples and it seems a lot similar to Abeka and Horizon which is a lot of memorization and little conceptual math . I need to choose a math for 2nd grade and feel like I should try CLE since so many math teachers chose it but when I am looking at the samples , I am not that impressed ....I was ok in math , slow but able to solve advanced math and calculus but I am not good at explaining math concepts .


So since I have a "Competent Carl" (a child who likes to do things by himself) maybe CLE would work for him but I have to add either Singapore or Math Mammoth .

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If it helps, I have a math ed degree and am not using CLE. I have used MCP, R&S and currently we are using Math Mammoth. If your son really likes being independent, Math Mammoth would be a good choice. All the explanations, examples, etc are built into the lesson. He could work mostly independently and come to you if he needs help. I have been going over the explanations with my dd, but she could probably do it herself. I just like to make sure she knows what to do before I let her loose to do the day's work. HTH!

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I'm a former high school math teacher and we use Singapore. I've never even looked at CLE so I can't comment on that, but we love Singapore. I like how it develops mathematical thinking. I would have loved learning from it as a kid. Anything that spiraled or drilled to death would have driven me crazy. Singapore doesn't do either, but does teach kids how to think mathematically.

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Is Math Mammoth a complete curriculum or do I need to add ? I think some people were saying you need to supplement... and if you do , what is a good match with it?


Depends on what you buy. I ordered the series that is a complete curriculum. They also have stuff you can buy that would supplement whatever you were teaching in another curriculum.

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You could do two math programs; many moms do.


It sounds like CLE would be a good match with your ds, who likes to work independently.


CLE is spiral and the review really helps get the info into their brains. But it's not as overwhelming and boring as Saxon, IMHO. With the workbook format there's no big book to lug around, no problems to copy, etc. They have little pictures and more white space and is just more user-friendly than Saxon, which is also spiral.


We've used Saxon, BJU, Singapore, Math Mammoth, TT... over the years. I wish I would have started and stuck with CLE.


You could buy one or two Light units to see what it's like. (The Sunrise edition is the newest and the best.)

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I noticed on a few sites that many math teachers are using CLE and praising it ...I've looked at the samples and it seems a lot similar to Abeka and Horizon which is a lot of memorization and little conceptual math . I need to choose a math for 2nd grade and feel like I should try CLE since so many math teachers chose it but when I am looking at the samples , I am not that impressed ....I was ok in math , slow but able to solve advanced math and calculus but I am not good at explaining math concepts .


So since I have a "Competent Carl" (a child who likes to do things by himself) maybe CLE would work for him but I have to add either Singapore or Math Mammoth .


For the younger grades CLE is definitely more teacher intensive than open and go. There is a lot of hands on stuff in the manual and I add even more, using cuisinaire rods and other manipulatives. The reason i LOVE CLE after 15 years of homeschooling and using pretty much every math curriculum out there is

1. Ease of implementation


2. Everything is in ONE place...speed drills, tests, quizzes, teaching instruction etc.


3 The TM is very simple to understand. I do not need to weed through tons of wordiness to get to the crux of the lesson


4. The pages are not overly cluttered.


5. It is COMPLETE. I do not need to add any extra worksheets to cover topics that are not included.


6. My kids like it and tolerate CLE very well.


7. It is inexpensive in comparison to many other programs.


8. I like the smaller size of the workbooks. They are not overwhelming and the kids feel very accomplished when they finish one...and they love getting the next book.


9. As someone else said here...it's like Saxon on steroids in a workbook...LOL


10. I am sure I have many more reasons. If I wasn't going to use CLE, I did like BJU too...BUT CLE is at least a year more advanced, the CLE TM is much better imo, and there were just too many darn components!



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