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What is the home made fruit fly trap?

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I did something different.


Put a small amount of orange juice in a glass (I used an old glass that I threw away at the end). Make a cone (like a funnel) out of a piece of paper and put the narrower end in the glass (don't let the paper cone touch the juice). Put tape around the outside of the cone, taping it to the glass -- no gaps.


It took a day or two and the glass filled up with fruit flies.


But, actually, the plastic wrap sounds like it may be easier, lol...



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  • 1 year later...
I did something different.


Put a small amount of orange juice in a glass (I used an old glass that I threw away at the end). Make a cone (like a funnel) out of a piece of paper and put the narrower end in the glass (don't let the paper cone touch the juice). Put tape around the outside of the cone, taping it to the glass -- no gaps.


This is the type of trap we made when I worked in the genetics lab in college and we needed to catch the "escapees" - thousands of them. (Fruit flies were our medium.) We used a little molasses and a chunk of banana for our bait, though. Worked great!

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Put a piece of ripe fruit in the vinegar and it will work fine. Bananas are particularly affective.


Thanks! Dh has taken to simply swatting them when they land on a piece of fruit he has relegated to "bait." It's driving me crazy! :lol:

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I just take some apple cider vinegar and put it into a small cup or bowl. They come, they feast, they drown.


LOL - SO glad I'm not the only one dealing with this. It's disgusting. But DD loves counting the victims as they sink to the bottom.


Sigh. I worry about that kid a little.


FWIW, we use apple cider vinegar, two to four drops of full strength dishwashing detergent -- but I'm gonna have to try that double-sided tape thing next time, too!

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We have a trap set on our kitchen counter all summer.


I've found a cone made of the slick material I originally bought as a non-stick liner for my baking pans works wonderfully well. A little apple cider vinegar at the bottom. I'm going to try the trick of taping the cone to the top of the glass to prevent any tiny gaps.


My friend alerted me to a better success rate at smacking them if your hands are wet first. Sure enough, wet hands meant a better kill rate. :D

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