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Can someone please tell me just how much of this is supposed to "stick?" I am finding the more we go along with this she gets it long enough to pass the test then a month later 50 percent of the material is forgotten. I am starting to think that it is just to much information too fast to do any good.





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I had to pull the brakes at Lightunit 105. For some reason, we were really rolling along, started 105 and the curriculum just TOOK off. 1st grader is working his way through the CLE 1st grade reader for a while to "catch up".


We're also doing the 200 series in LA and it doesn't seem to jump that fast...

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We use the review in the Teacher's Manual every single day. (At the beginning of every lesson, there is a list of what concepts to review.) We take 5-30 min. reviewing the list, coming up with our own examples on the whiteboard, etc., even if it's a concept I think ds understands very well. This has TRULY helped the concepts "stick". The review is not scripted, so you have to make it up on your own, but that allows us a great bit of freedom to run with it and have fun.


For example, today we were reviewing that c and g are hard /k/ & /g/ with a, o, and u, but soft /s/ & /j/ with e, i, and y. We listed all kinds of fun words on the whiteboard that follow these words. Ds chose words like citizen, cinema, gadzooks, gumball, etc. I'd let him try to spell them, or I'd spell them myself.


Now, you're probably doing all this already, but I thought I'd just put it out there for others who are interested in CLE 1.


I hope this helps!

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Hmmmm, I am friends with another homeschooling family...the mom and I were talking (we both use CLE LA) and we had never actually SEEN the rules for things like "when does c sound like k and when does it sound like s". We both agreed that we had just somehow been forced to memorize how the whole word was spelled when we were 1st or 2nd grade (we both went to ps). I think my 2nd grader now knows more grammar rules than I did when I was in middle school. :glare:


Interesting... I have a Bachelor of Science and I can't WAIT to be embarrassed and find out what gaps I have in math...:glare:

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Just curious if you are using the 1st or 2nd edition? We just started in LightUnit 104 today which coincides with LightUnit 108 in Learning to Read all 2nd edition so I don't know if it will stick. Not much sticks to this guy anyway.




I am using the 2nd edition. I do use the review from the teachers manual. I may have to slow down alot and spend a month or two on reviewing cause I am not sure she is into it anymore. I can see the glazed look that tells me she is not paying attention. Things that she learned last month like the f,s,l,z needing to be doubled at the end of a short vowel word are being missed and not applied when needed. I do like teaching rules I just feel like we should spend more time on it before moving on. A few extra worksheets would be nice. I did order the extra worksheets but they really don't have much.(Each light unit has only a few worksheets)


I may look at Rod & Staff cause they seem to be mastery approach or Explode the code online. Not sure what to do. If she is glazing over now I don't expect much improvement.





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We just started using it at the first of the month. We are using the second edition, and he is about half way through 103. I am trying to make a list of all the rules and review those every week. How much review are you doing besides what is in the student book? How does she do with the "We Remember" sections?

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