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Math problem!!!

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I got the same as the book....




First do the squared so now you have 16-4*8+16-(-18)-(-9)

Then multiply so now you have 16-32+16+18+9 (minus a negative just equals adding a positive)

Then just add/subtract

the 16-32+16 cancels out to zero

18+9 = 27


Would you do me a HUGE favor? Could you show me how y'all got 19? I'm an education major and want to teach middle school math. I thought that figuring out what y'all did would help me, but I can't figure it. I know that usually I'll have the young person's work in front of me in order to see their trouble, but...

Edited by 2J5M9K
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We are having some problems with our math. The answer we all got does not match what the book shows. Could you all give us a hand?


16-4*8+4to the 2nd power-(-18)-(-9)


We keep getting 19 as the answer but the book says 27. Could you please help us??? (* = multiply)




I'd rewrite it like this:

16 -(4*8) +(4squared) - (-18) -(-9)=

16 - 32 + 16 + 18 +9=


Order of operations is important. You have to square the 4 first, and multiply, before you can do any adding or subtracting.

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16-4*8+4to the 2nd power-(-18)-(-9)


We keep getting 19 as the answer but the book says 27. Could you please help us??? (* = multiply)




16-4*8+4to the 2nd power-(-18)-(-9)






You have to do the multiplication first in an equation, before addition and subtraction. That means in the first step, you multiply the (4x8), and you figure the 4 to the second power. Then you do all the addition and subtraction in the next step.


Also, subtracting a negative number is the same as adding; the two negatives equal a positive.


Clear as mud, hunh? :tongue_smilie: I didn't read the other replies; maybe someone else explained it better than I did...

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