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repost:sorry I wasn't clear! share your IDEAS for organizing templates for Excel/Doc

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ETA: I posted this earlier but I think my message may have come across wrong!! sorry! I didn't expect anyone to post their templates, just their ideas on how to organize a template! thanks!





I am working on a new way of organizing my kids' lessons, as we are transitioning away from k12.com. I don't want an online organizer, although myhomeschoolplan.com looks fantastic for that. I am just tired of fitting my calendar to other people's approaches, and think I want to make a tailor-made calendar in either excel or word. I also like the idea of a table format that i can print out. My 7 yo would love to have his own schedule where he could check off boxes as he completed his work rather than having to go to 'mom's computer' ;)


For my 'general life' calendar, I use google calendar which i print weekly and stick on the fridge, and I am thinking of a similar table set up which has days of the week across the top, and subjects to the left, and then checkable boxes next to each subject.


The question I have is that I'd like to create at least a month or two's worth of assignments at a time, so would you create different 'tabs' in excel for each week, and then print them as you go, adjusting as neccesary? I'm sure others have wrestled with this before, so I'd love to hear advice so I can avoid the pitfalls!


I am also toying with the idea of somehow doing their schedule right within Google, so I can see right away if there are conflicts (travel, friends visiting, coops, etc.)


Thanks! :001_smile:

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Personally? We've homeschooled since the beginning and my eldest is 14. I've experimented with excel and google calendar, I own and have tried Edu-Track. Ultimately? What works best is an extremely simple teacher's planner from OfficeMax. Days of the week across the top, subjects down the left side, fill it in with pencil. I know a lot of people manage well with computer generated help, it just doesn't work for me.

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Personally? We've homeschooled since the beginning and my eldest is 14. I've experimented with excel and google calendar, I own and have tried Edu-Track. Ultimately? What works best is an extremely simple teacher's planner from OfficeMax. Days of the week across the top, subjects down the left side, fill it in with pencil. I know a lot of people manage well with computer generated help, it just doesn't work for me.


I agree with the simple fill in with pencil system! After using excel spread sheets for years - I now print out blank ones - subjects down the side, days acroos the top - and fill them out as we go. I live in Florida so we have to keep a log of our actual activities by date - a plan for the year is not acceptable. So filling it out week by week - I have a picture of what actually is getting done. These are in the front of their main binders so they can pick up and go with what is assigned for that day. If they don't get to something - there's always the eraser to make adjustments! They use a highlighter to place a checkmark over the box when they have completed the assignment. When I tried to keep it all in excel - I found it a burden to update in a timely manner.


For planning purposes - I use a spiral notebook to plan out lessons or outline how much needs to be finished by date.

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Yep, i'm in florida too brenda...hi! We're in an umbrella school so we don't follow typical florida homeschool requirements, but I'm probably more anal than any school would ever be LOL. I appreciate your sharing your experience. I am going to go with an Word table that I print out monthly (4 sheets) that I can add comments to with pencil and then stick in a binder. Hopefully that will work. Just finished my word template and am mighty happy!

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The question I have is that I'd like to create at least a month or two's worth of assignments at a time, so would you create different 'tabs' in excel for each week, and then print them as you go, adjusting as necessary? I'm sure others have wrestled with this before, so I'd love to hear advice so I can avoid the pitfalls!


I do all of our scheduling in Excel. I have a schedule for each child that I make up the Friday before each week. I've been doing this since my oldest was in K4 and it works well for us. :-)


I'll try to attach a copy of a recent schedule for you to see.



Edited to add: Oops! Just saw your last post. Guess you didn't need this.

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