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To all Prayer Warriors (aka Crazy Weather in AZ)

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Good morning! :001_smile:


May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His Face shine upon you and sustain you in whatever is going on in your life right now.


Please also keep the Southwest in your prayers - we are having VERY unusual weather! There was a tornado touchdown last night near the AZ/CA border that toppled 3 big rigs and some power lines.


In Phoenix (we are in the midst of the Sonoran DESERT), we've surpassed our annual rainfall index in about four days time! I think that may be in all of AZ, where it rains. The higher elevation regions, obviously, are experiencing an unusually high amount of snow.


All of this brings about hazardous driving conditions - due to weather AND inexperienced drivers. Plus we have many homeless people here; makes me wonder where they go to get out of the cold and rain?


Please keep us all in your prayers: for safety, for gratitude ( I don't think anyone in the desert should be complaining about rain!), and wisdom to know how to help others and when to stay HOME. Thanks!:)

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Is it still pouring rain? Are the weather forecaster saying it is because of El Nino?


My dh and 4 sons went to AZ (from cold WA) on Sunday to have a quick vacation, enjoy the sun, the warmth, the Barret-Jackson auto show, etc. Murphy's Law kicked in and the wacky weather began! Go figure. :)


They are coming home today - couldn't last night because of high winds so nothing was flying out of Sky Harbor - so I'm sure the weather should go back to normal now. :D

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