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Comparing MCT, IEW, and CW

Guest mamabearto5

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Guest mamabearto5

Can someone give me a nuts/bolts explanation on these three? I've checked out the websites, and can't decide what would be best. LA is by far my weakest area. I don't necessarily have to have it scripted, (FLL was a bust around here), but need to start with the basics and be clear how to proceed. Interested for an 8yo and 6yo.

Thanks !

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Why was FLL a bust for you? Were you looking for something more traditional? Or are your dc quick learners that don't need the repetition? You have to know yourself and what *you* need in order to feel comfortable teaching before you can know what writing program you want. My dd didn't need all the repetition in FLL1/2, but we did it anyway, condensing, skipping a lot, etc. If you don't like to tweak like that, you need to know that about yourself.


As far as those programs, MCT wouldn't apply to your 6 yo, and IEW is overkill for both of them still. You could, but you might as well create a foundation with simpler, cheaper stuff. (Imitations in Writing books on lots of topics, etc.) Have you read WTM yet? You might look at it and see the progression of writing skills. You don't even NEED a writing program for these ages, just copywork, dictation, and subject narrations. WWE is good, but before it came out we just did stuff on our own. So I'd get WWE or use the guidelines in WTM and let that be enough for a while. Really, you can't underestimate the value of copywork, dictation, and narrations. They create the foundation for the writing program you do later. You could wait until 5th on a writing program and not even blink an eye if you're doing all the other writing in WTM.

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Why was FLL a bust for you? Were you looking for something more traditional? Or are your dc quick learners that don't need the repetition? You have to know yourself and what *you* need in order to feel comfortable teaching before you can know what writing program you want. My dd didn't need all the repetition in FLL1/2, but we did it anyway, condensing, skipping a lot, etc. If you don't like to tweak like that, you need to know that about yourself.


As far as those programs, MCT wouldn't apply to your 6 yo, and IEW is overkill for both of them still. You could, but you might as well create a foundation with simpler, cheaper stuff. (Imitations in Writing books on lots of topics, etc.) Have you read WTM yet? You might look at it and see the progression of writing skills. You don't even NEED a writing program for these ages, just copywork, dictation, and subject narrations. WWE is good, but before it came out we just did stuff on our own. So I'd get WWE or use the guidelines in WTM and let that be enough for a while. Really, you can't underestimate the value of copywork, dictation, and narrations. They create the foundation for the writing program you do later. You could wait until 5th on a writing program and not even blink an eye if you're doing all the other writing in WTM.


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:iagree: copywork, narration and dictation for those ages. My 6yr old is doing Chem for the Grammar Stage as we are a big science family. For ex: last night we read about metals and alloys. He gave a definition for alloys, I wrote it down, and then he copied it in his notebook. We talk about spelling of the words, what rules they follow etc. My 6yr old has completed WWE1 and is now into WWE2. I like it b/c it's open and go. We also do narrations for shows we've watched, books we're reading etc. My 8yr old has completed WWE2 and is now in WWE3.

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