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People with knowledge of the law, please read

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I posted recently about our parish priest who recently was accused of molesting a child (not from our parish.) He threw himself off the balcony of a church so has been in intensive care since. He was recently released and taken into custody and charged with the following:


One count of predatory criminal sexual assault, two counts of criminal sexual assault, and four counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse.


Does this mean there were seven separate occasions of abuse, or is there some other way to calculate charges? The newspaper stated that the abuse occurred from 2005-2010.


I don't even know why I want to know this information. The whole thing really, really bothers me since it was a priest in our parish and school. Aren't there systems in place in the church to weed out predators?

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and even the same occasion. However, if the abuse occured over a 5 year period, he is likely being charged with separate incidences.


Just FYO charging "predatory criminal assault" in Illinois appears to require penetration (just from googling it), so that's a very serious charge. Yikes.

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I don't even know why I want to know this information. The whole thing really, really bothers me since it was a priest in our parish and school. Aren't there systems in place in the church to weed out predators?


This is the thing - a predator looks just like you and me. Until they get caught, there is no way to know who they are. This is why I am not overly concerned about registered offenders - I am always, always more vigilant about those we know and interact with on a regular basis. Children are more at risk among friends and family members than strangers.


I am sorry that this happened in your parish (or anywhere for that matter!) A teacher was arrested a couple of years ago at my ds's school for possession of child ponography (and some other charges I believe.) It's an ugly thing when you find out someone in a position of trust greatly abused it!

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That is what bothers me the most about this terrible situation: if this child hadn't come forward when he did, that priest would still be at our parish and school. He was surrounded by children every day. So far it has only been one child that has reported abuse, but I worry that others are silent.


My son is homeschooled, so I don't worry about him there, since he isn't anymore. My daughter, on the other hand, is in the preschool there. This priest was not in the preschool classrooms, I am told. But, I am not with her every second that she's there.


Any situation of abuse is terrible, but for a person who positioned himself as a moral authority to do it just makes me crazy.

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I'm no lawyer, but I did serve on a jury for a violent crime. There were four separate charges we had to decide for just that one single incident. The prosecutors loaded up every possible variation of a charge they could. It taught me that the number of charges doesn't mean anything about the number of crimes committed. The crime I juried for happened one time and it really was just one crime, but the prosecutors were gunning for conviction on four separate charges. I don't pretend to understand whether that is just, but it is legal.


I'm truly sorry you are dealing with this so close to your own family. It is heart-breaking. As far as systems to weed out predators, it is my impression that this is primarily bishop-dependent. By that I mean that some bishops take it very seriously, put effective administrative mechanisms in place, personally keep tabs on it, treat it like the crime it is, etc. ... and others not so much.





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To make matters worse, the paper reported recently that the boy in question in the priest's godson. Also, that the boy's mother gave the priest tequila and that he drank too much, passed out, and woke up to find himself and the boy in s*xual activity. The boy's stepfather noticed innappropriate activity on two separate occasions.


It all sounds bizarre.

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