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WWE, TCW or WS for reluctant 7 yo writer?


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I am trying to find a writing curriculum for my 7 yo son who is reading at a 5-6th grade level, and can discuss the subject matter quite well, but who is reluctant to put pencil to paper. When he does, he is fine with punctuation, capitalization, spelling, grammar, etc. but the key word here is reluctant.


Perhaps I should ease of the formal writing for 6 months? Still teach grammar, spelling, rules etc but not require as much formal writing? Copywork he enjoys, as long as it's not too too much--it's good practice for him to hold a sentence in his mind and try and remember it.


Thanks for sharing your opinions on WWE or WS

Edited by Halcyon
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I had a reluctant 7 yo writer this year, too, and he is doing very well with WWE 2. We are using the workbook. It only takes 5-10 minutes a day depending on the lesson.


I would not ease up or let it go entirely. I have found the opposite to be true -- the more writing I required, the easier it became for him.



Edited to add: This ds also reads above grade level. He just finished, on his own and by his choice, Number the Stars and Johnny Tremain. I wouldn't let reading level influence your decision on writing program too much. But, I will add that he's gotten wonderful suggestions for books to read from WWE2. They pick awesome books to narrate! :-)

Edited by Heather in WI
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Thank you! That's where I'm leaning, but I look forward to hearing other responses. Can you tell me, did you just get the Workbook, Level 2--I don't need to buy anything else, right? Thinking of starting him on this now, as the k12 writing curriculum is just not working for us at this point. And would you recommend supplementing with First Language Lessons, and if so, what level would you imagine would be right? Level 3 is my guess.

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I agree with WWE2. You just need the workbook. I would not let it go!





I would definitely start the writing right away.


If you are concerned about his grammar at this point, by all means go ahead and get FLL 3 now. If you're happy with what you're using currently and want to wait until the fall to switch, that would be fine, too. :-)


You can "see inside" the instructor text for FLL 3 here:




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Thank you very much. I appreciate all your insights. We will definitely go forr WWE2 and start it immediately-grateful to let go of our current writing program (k12), the current assignment . Regarding grammar, we're using Exercises in English Level C. It definitely 'covers' everything, but I am not sure what his retention is. I feel like we need some sort of over-arching grammar test to make sure he remembers things.


He certainly knows adjectives, nouns, verbs, predicates, subjects, pronouns, helping verbs, past tense, plurals, pronouns, past and present progressive but not sure how he is on more advanced subject matter.

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