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Vomit Question (sorry)

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dd #1 threw up for 12 hours or so the other day. to where it was just dry heaving and bile. it was over and over again every 15 minutes. she is better now, but dd #2 just started up with it. is there anything i can give her to help her stop? why does she keep vomiting when her stomach is so empty?


also, does anyone else have this bug?

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When my kids have this problem, I wait until they have not vomited for an hour, and then give them flat Coke (I pour it in a glass and stir it vigorously with a fork to get the carbonation out) and Saltines.


I have no idea whether this really works, but it is what we do where I'm from. I have never found a remedy that is particularly effective.


You can't do that yet, but perhaps ice chips will help, or tiny sips of flat Coke.

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Flat ginger ale can help. Wait until she hasn't thrown up for an hour then give like a milliliter. If she keeps that down, then give another milliliter. And so forth. Apparently the sugar, once it hits the blood stream, can help with the nausea.

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That sounds like what my 11yo ds and I had the week after Christmas. It was the most painful stomach bug I have ever had. The only thing either of us could keep down was a sip or two of water. The good thing is that the vomiting only lasted 24 hours. We didn't feel "normal" for a week though, and it took a while before either of us had an appetite.


So sorry your dd is sick.

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My 12 you ds had this one year ago and the poor thing. He was so miserable, after awhile he was just shaky and frightened because he had never been so sick before. Usually this illness means vomiting a couple of times and diarrhea for a few hours. It passed. I agree with the poster who pointed out that keeping any sips or ice chips down will help to turn it around quicker.

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