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Does he need more phonics???


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My son is an avid reader. We were in the middle of phonics instruction in K, and one day it all clicked and he took off reading, and hasn't looked back. He's 6.5yo, doing 1st grade work, and reading at ~late 4th, early 5th grade level. When he took off reading I pretty much stopped phonics instruction, and now I wonder if that was a mistake? Will he be lacking if we stop there? Maybe we should finish out ETC?


I guess my question is this: does a fluent reader need to continue phonics instruction? When I was teaching him to read, I assumed the answer was "no". Now I'm not so sure.



This is what he's done for phonics so far:

ETC, primers & levels 1-3

AAS level 1

Some BJU phonics/english level 1


This is what we're thinking for Second Grade...


Grammar - CLE 2 (just using this for grammar)

Writing - WWE 2

Spelling - Rod and Staff 2, begin R&S 3

Handwriting- HWT grade 2, then Classically Cursive

Literature - Logos Press 2nd grade lit.

Latin- Lively Latin, LfC, or LC

Music - piano lessons

PE - TaeKwonDo

History - SOTW, continue

Bible - continue OT

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I'm sure others can chime in with more "expert" advice, but my opinion is that the spelling program you are using will be great on it's own for filling in any "gaps" that he may have (if there are any). I think that if you notice certain issues with spelling or pronounciation, that may signal an area you need to work on. I think your plan looks great; R&S is very thorough.

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I'm sure others can chime in with more "expert" advice, but my opinion is that the spelling program you are using will be great on it's own for filling in any "gaps" that he may have (if there are any). I think that if you notice certain issues with spelling or pronounciation, that may signal an area you need to work on. I think your plan looks great; R&S is very thorough.


I agree, AAS is a complete phonics program and will fill in any gaps your son might have. Merry :-)

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I agree to continue with some form of phonics.

Our first year of HSing, my DS came home for 1st, after spending K4 and K5 at private school. He was reading well when we started. I didn't know any better so thought we didn't need to do any more phonics. I also didn't know enough to have him read aloud much, but I read to him quite often. We did spelling but that was pretty easy for him...he's a natural speller. In general, schoolwork comes easy to him. But guess what, in recent years as I have heard him read aloud, I have noticed a pattern of simple phonics mistakes he makes, like the long vowel/consanent/silent e words. If he KNOWS the word fine, but if it's a new word, he pronounces wrong every time, with short vowel sound.

The thing is, he probably was exposed to this concept while in school, but repeated exposure over a few years would have cemeted it in his mind.

There's a few other simple mistakes that he makes on a regular basis, phonics wise, that stem for the same lack of long term exposure, I believe.


He's 11 now, btw.

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