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Broken Laptop Screen.....ds broke it!

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Has anyone ever had to replace an LCD screen on a laptop? I have looked online and it seems they can be ordered and are aound $100 plus shipping.


Last night my 6 yo ds punched the screen because he was mad at a game! I don't know what he was thinking! Obviously, because he was six he didn't think through his actions. I am struggling with how to discipline him over this. I made him go to bed right after it happened and I told him that he was "grounded" and could not play Wii or watch any of his shows until further notice. This is the first time he has done something major and honestly, I don't know what to do. I usually use time out or take away a privilege for a day, but this is a major inconvenience for our family. The laptop is used for school and is located in the kitchen so that anyone who uses it doesn't have privacy. Now until the laptop is repaired we are all going to be sharing my desktop which means I won't be able to work on lesson plans, check email etc while they are using it.


I am so frustrated.

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Oh my goodness, this JUST happened to me yesterday. My 3yo was throwing a fit and he kicked my screen. Grrr.


Luckily, I have a Dell and we had an older Dell laptop no longer being used and dh was able to switch out the screens! Free repair! But I know that you can get parts on ebay or other places online. It didn't seem too difficult to fix, but you might feel more comfortable buying the part and then trying to find someone to do the repair.

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:confused::confused: DD 5 did this last month!! I was livid, she punched the screen during a game because she was mad. I still haven't gotten it fixed. Dell charges $100 plus just for the part and a nother $100 plus to fix it, though I would just order it and try to do it myself.


DD is not allowed to use the computer anymore.



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My laptop monitor screen broke from use. I cannot afford to get a new screen. It is a 17" and would cost too much money right now. What I did was get a desktop monitor. It comes with a cord you can use to hook up to the laptop. Then you just push the function button to make it appear on the monitor. It works well. The monitor is much larger and more visible and I didn't spend more than $100 on the new monitor. The replacement one for my laptop prices out at $250+ and I would still have the same problems. Maybe if you have small children who use the laptop, this solution might work for you?

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How about just assuming that he isn't mature enough to treat the computer properly and waiting till he is 7 to let him touch it again. Unless it is legitimate schoolwork. As for restitutuion, maybe decide how many extra chores you want him to accomplish to "pay" for the damage, get a nice big picture of a computer, cut it up in that many pieces, and let him glue another piece of the puzzle every time he finishes an extra chore. When the picture is together, he has worked off the damage, so to speak. I think these are both logical consequences, and not over the top considering that we're talking about an expensive piece of equipment. I'll bet that if you just matter of factly do this, when he gets the privilege back at age 7 he'll think a bit more.

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How about just assuming that he isn't mature enough to treat the computer properly and waiting till he is 7 to let him touch it again. Unless it is legitimate schoolwork. As for restitutuion, maybe decide how many extra chores you want him to accomplish to "pay" for the damage, get a nice big picture of a computer, cut it up in that many pieces, and let him glue another piece of the puzzle every time he finishes an extra chore. When the picture is together, he has worked off the damage, so to speak. I think these are both logical consequences, and not over the top considering that we're talking about an expensive piece of equipment. I'll bet that if you just matter of factly do this, when he gets the privilege back at age 7 he'll think a bit more.


Thank you for this idea of cutting up a picture. That is a great visual. Yes, from here on out he will only get to use the computer for legitimate school work. I found a replacement and it will be $125 with shipping and then my stepfather will do the repair.


He will remain "grounded" from the Wii today as well as the tv show he likes to watch. I just am not sure how many days would be appropriate for age 6 to be "grounded" for lack of a better word.

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