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Second day TV free

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So to me/us this is a big deal. I got stuck in the TV trap when morning sickness struck hard with baby #3. My boys (4 and almost 2), got into this horrific TV cycle. I relied on it too much. First it was one show, then the show after that, then after that... then it was a DVD in the afternoon while DS2 napped, then it was a show after bath until they got sleepy... then it was fun Chirstmas DVDs and shows.. It got really out of hand. Then I had relatives help out with the boys and they would just stick them in front of the TV. That bothered me because I know it is tiring to play with 2 kids all day, but that is why there were there! To help me, so I could rest.


I started noticing that they would only sit and paint for a few min, fuss then put on the TV. I let it slide way too much. First it was morning sickness, then it was I was put on "rest" for contractions at 22 weeks, then it was I need to clean and get the house ready for the baby (which I still need to do!).. I am so guilty of allowing the TV to be on way too much.


Then yesterday I snapped. DS1 (who is 4) attitude and attention span is terrible. He can no longer concentrate on tasks without flipping out and throwing fits. So I said it was time to go outside and they both wanted to stay in and watch TV.. ughh... never should TV be chosen over outside time.. It is cold here, so when it is in the 30s we need to go out!!


I put them on the deck to play in the snow and unplugged the TV. When they came in, I explained that I told the TV not to work. (If I told them I unplugged it DS1 would try to replug it in). They fussed but we got through the day.


Today is day 2 and so far so good. They are playing, still fussing and whining, but playing and building, they way things used to be before too much TV. I am thinking of making a behavior chart as DS1 is already doing better and maybe doing a once a week TV night (Friday night watch Leapfrog Letter/word factory..) I really wouldn't mind 30min-1hr a day of shows I approve or computer time (Leapfrog DVD, Starfall computer time) especially when new baby arrives in March. But as for now we are TV Free.


So not sure when to allow them to try TV again.. I am thinking a few weeks, make a big deal about it being special or a reward.


Ahh.. I feel better.

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Don't feel guilty. You did what you had to do during your pregnancy. Some of their behavior is because they are young and not a direct consequence of TV. You're changing their life on your directive so they are going to complain. They don't understand.


And I honestly still wouldn't make the choice to go outside in 30 degree weather over watching TV and they probably would have liked you to go out with them. That's really cold!


I wouldn't even make a big deal out of it in a few weeks with a celebration. Just wean them off and not mention it again. It will only remind them of what they are missing. Kids don't get that it isn't good for them no matter how many times we tell them. TV is fun and isn't always bad in small doses.

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So to me/us this is a big deal. I got stuck in the TV trap when morning sickness struck hard with baby #3. My boys (4 and almost 2), got into this horrific TV cycle. I relied on it too much. First it was one show, then the show after that, then after that... then it was a DVD in the afternoon while DS2 napped, then it was a show after bath until they got sleepy... then it was fun Chirstmas DVDs and shows.. It got really out of hand. Then I had relatives help out with the boys and they would just stick them in front of the TV. That bothered me because I know it is tiring to play with 2 kids all day, but that is why there were there! To help me, so I could rest.


I started noticing that they would only sit and paint for a few min, fuss then put on the TV. I let it slide way too much. First it was morning sickness, then it was I was put on "rest" for contractions at 22 weeks, then it was I need to clean and get the house ready for the baby (which I still need to do!).. I am so guilty of allowing the TV to be on way too much.


Then yesterday I snapped. DS1 (who is 4) attitude and attention span is terrible. He can no longer concentrate on tasks without flipping out and throwing fits. So I said it was time to go outside and they both wanted to stay in and watch TV.. ughh... never should TV be chosen over outside time.. It is cold here, so when it is in the 30s we need to go out!!


I put them on the deck to play in the snow and unplugged the TV. When they came in, I explained that I told the TV not to work. (If I told them I unplugged it DS1 would try to replug it in). They fussed but we got through the day.


Today is day 2 and so far so good. They are playing, still fussing and whining, but playing and building, they way things used to be before too much TV. I am thinking of making a behavior chart as DS1 is already doing better and maybe doing a once a week TV night (Friday night watch Leapfrog Letter/word factory..) I really wouldn't mind 30min-1hr a day of shows I approve or computer time (Leapfrog DVD, Starfall computer time) especially when new baby arrives in March. But as for now we are TV Free.


So not sure when to allow them to try TV again.. I am thinking a few weeks, make a big deal about it being special or a reward.


Ahh.. I feel better.


When my older 2 guys were around 4 & 3, we slid down the same slope with an old Nintendo that someone gave us. I was tired, I was pregnant or had a baby or toddler or both (I can't remember and don't want to do the math). It was a beautiful spring day and I told them to go outside. They fussed. They wanted to play Mario. We put the Nintendo away. For a year. They are now 10 & 9, and they STILL remember when they lost video games for a year. Games have been back since then, but with restrictions on their use, and they do not complain about them, because they know we can make them disappear.


Anyway---way to take control back. It's hard and it's frustrating and it's trying, but it's the right thing to do.

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Good for you!!! Your boys will benefit from it!


I allow my girls (5 and 2) to watch about an hour of TV per day (they each choose one 30 minute show). Usually this is first thing in the morning while they wake up.....but sometimes it is in the afternoon instead. Very occasionally they will watch a movie in the evening in addition to their 1 hour of TV, but this is not a frequent thing, so it does not bother me.


When I was pregnant with DD#2, I admit that I let DD#1 watch more TV than I should have (or rather, what I feel is too much).....it is hard having morning sickness with a 2 year old running around. So I totally know where you are coming from in reference to that. I had to scale back after I began feeling better.

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