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High school health - what have you done? (we have girls FYI)

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Hi, I want to teach my dtrs the basics of what I can only best describe as s*x ed. Altho I may award a "credit", that is not at all important as she has has been awarded a health/first aid credit based on her Red Cross lifesaving training and biology.


I have all the peripherals (sp?) covered as in we are reading:

Why I Kissed Dating Goodbye

Lies Young Women Believe

Bible study

Beautiful Girlhood


My oldest is 6mo from graduating high school and turning 18yo. My main concern is "hitting the basics". She works part time and has a very full classload. Currently she is very set on living away from home for her senior year.


I want something easy to use - basically something we can read together and discuss. I was thinking of something that will describe s*x in a ways that covers the emotional and physical attributes. But something "grab and go" so to speak where we could meet once or twice a week and read/study together? Facts on STDs and pregnancy and health aspects? Female fertility, menstration, ovulation, etc. etc. Btw, Mod 16 of Apologia A&P covers human reproduction but I wanted something more than that?


Any ideas, thoughts? I had hoped to find a "just the facts" curriculum that we could cover in 9 weeks or so? I doubt I'll give her tests or anything because of the huge classload she has currently.


LMK your thoughts - thanks


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I'm not sure this is what you're looking for, but I used a program called "Theology of the Body for Teens". This Catholic program is based on John Paul II's writings on the Theology of the Body. While the program has a definitely Catholic perspective, the ideas in it -- respect for the person and the body and respect for s*x as it was designed by the Creator would be applicable to any Christian. http://www.tobforteens.com/


Along those lines, I would also suggest Christopher West's book, Theology of the Body for Beginners for those teens & adults who are interested in learning more about this timely subject.


Best wishes to you and your dd as she finishes high school!


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We also liked "A Return to Modesty," but the follow-up book was not appropriate for high school age, in my opinion. We also read some courtship books, including "The Rules" with severe censorship on my part, and spent hours and hours discussing various couples both in her age group and in our family and church with the focus on: How did they meet? How have expectations changed over the years? etc. It helped that my sister got married in the middle of the course!


Sorry, I didn't absorb your whole post the first time: For the "facts" I borrowed a Dr. Ruth book from the library a few years ago. It was not morally uplifting, particularly, but conveyed the needed information.

Edited by nykatie
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I have boys and my oldest will start community college this fall (turns 17). We are Christians but I wanted a health course that would prepare him for anything that he may come across with college age kids.


I am using a college level health textbook. I plan on him going thought the book in 10 weeks. It covers the whole sex, birth control options. It covers all the drugs. The textbook gives a balance approach regarding abortion, abstinence etc






There are types of syllabus and stuff offered on line by different instructors who use this textbook at their community college. I googled and pulled all types of stuff together.


I have read through the book and made notes on different issue for discussion. The only written thing I plan on him doing is a health journal (the workbook pages are in the back of the book. He will have a midterm and final. (This is to help prepare him for college this fall)

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Guest camessecar

Another text to consider is Total Health. My 9th grader is going through this text at our co-op and loves it. It is beautifully and tastefully written. You can read a review at Rainbow Resource.

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