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almost finished with MUS gamma...what now?


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My 7yo dd will finish up MUS gamma sometime within the next month or so, and I'm not sure what we should use for math for the rest of the school year. Any recommendations? We love MUS, and we'll certainly continue with it, but should we dive right into delta? Or should I supplement with something else for the remainder of the school year that will both review what she's learned and introduce some new topics (fractions, more on money and time, etc.)? If we choose to supplement, what would you suggest?


Thanks for your help!


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We started on Math U See late, but here's what we're doing:


My son completed MUS Gamma in 9 weeks (he was 8, and it was mostly review, so I already had Delta ready). Then he went straight to Delta. He's on a track to finish it, too, though, with nothing left for the last 5-6 months of the school year. So, I made some changes over the Christmas break. I decided to have him do just one MUS lesson each week and then use his other days for Math Mammoth (I downloaded Grades 1-5 for $99, and I started using it with my first-grader, too). I am also adding in CWP, some challenging problems from Ray's Arithmetic (available free online somewhere like google books), and more games.


I'm planning to use Math Mammoth in its entirety, in order, not coordinating with MUS topics. I used some Math Mammoth with this first son last year when we were struggling to find a math program for him. At the time, I looked at it as a good review or supplemental program. But the more I have looked, the more I think it is complete in itself and similar to Singapore. I have also found good reasons to use more than one math program, and we like MUS, so we'll keep it, too.


If we didn't have time for two full math programs, I think I would still try to fit in CWP or something similar and more games to reinforce and review math facts.

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