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WHAT do I do?!?!

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You are not crazy! I don't have time to read the other responses, but I would say:


"I'm sorry, that won't work for us."


Rinse. Repeat. Ad nauseum.


Don't explain, give reasons, etc. Just broken record.


No WAY would I agree for any reason. I would not put my DD in that kind of situation where she might basically be a slave doing all the work.

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Gently, dear heart - please go back to bed and keep ALL your kids home, lest GM decide the next one should accompany her on her trip.

I have a MIL that is a complete narcissist. She is also an alcoholic. She has caused untold heartache in my dh's life and our marraige. The last time I tried to reason with her resulted in hate mail from my BIL. Long story short - she told BIL lies about the situation (we wouldn't let her watch the baby b/c she was always drunk, drinking or almost drunk. We had plenty of visits but wouldn't allow her to babysit) We went to counseling with Pastor and it was revealed to BIL what she did and I thought he was going to have a stroke he was so mad at being manipulated...the fallout spread thru the whole family with her making up more things etc. I am reviled by some and some feel bad for me....I really work hard at being pleasant at family events to not let it affect me.

Call your DB and tell him you're sick and that DD can't make it b/c you need her and that you realize GM is very disappointed but this is best for your family. Lean on your DH - he sounds like a good man for walking thru this with you.

Blessings to you - here's to your new little one's healthy arrival!



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I like this idea. Have your dh respond to emails from her because you need to rest due to your pregnancy and dd is too busy to email her.

No is the only sane answer in this situation.



Delete the email or have your DH respond. I have found that my manipulative mother doesn't try and pull half the stuff with my DH as she does me. I absolutely agree with everyone else No is the answer and don't get pulled into a discussion.
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