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Posting limits?

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Is there a limit to the number of posts we can do in a day? I have tried to post a couple times and it says it needs to be approved my a moderator. They were benign posts I assure you. I did PM admin about it but just wondering if anyone else has ever ad the issue?




Update: Ok this post went through fine, but when I respond it does it...hmmmm..

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Is there a limit to the number of posts we can do in a day? I have tried to post a couple times and it says it needs to be approved my a moderator. They were benign posts I assure you. I did PM admin about it but just wondering if anyone else has ever ad the issue?




Update: Ok this post went through fine, but when I respond it does it...hmmmm..


There has been problems in the past with spam and trolls. Someone will sign up for a day and post all sorts of things causing problems. I would guess that the mods have installed some kind of watch to try to prevent that. Once you get enough posts you shouldn't have a problem (assuming you aren't a troll :lol:)


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I know when I first joined the board, I had one post moderated but I figured it was because I had added a link to :svengo:"homemade laundry detergent" LOL. It showed up within a couple of hours. I agree that the mods were probably just making sure it was an appropriate link from a new member :seeya:.

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Did you have one or more links in the post? I tried to post something with several links a while back (probably at about the same # of posts as you have now) and had that happen to me. I figured the links raised flags in the system that they needed to check and make sure I wasn't spamming. My best guess!

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I know when I first joined the board, I had one post moderated but I figured it was because I had added a link to :svengo:"homemade laundry detergent" LOL. It showed up within a couple of hours. I agree that the mods were probably just making sure it was an appropriate link from a new member :seeya:.



Same here. When I first joined I linked to something and got the same thing.

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