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preggie question

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I am not feeling great at 15 weeks. My rather large belly has been achy and crampy way low near, but above, my pelvis. I made a point of resting a lot today in my chair and not moving/standing unless necessary. This has been going on since yesterday.


I had an u/s four days ago and all was well and I did not feel like this then.


Could it just be that there's been a quick growth spurt and it's putting more pressure on my body? I did notice that it has suddenly become really uncomfortable to lie on my stomach. Two days ago it was fine and now I can't.


I have been drinking lots of fluids thinking that maybe I was just a little dehydrated from heating.



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I am not a good one to answer this. I am achy and crampy through my whole pregnancy.:glare:


I do think there comes a point in time where the uterus comes out of the pelvic bones and that may be what you are feeling.


I also had many more ligament stretching pains the more pregnancies I had.

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Has anything changed since upping your fluid (which should be mostly water...not juices) intake?


Is the aching near the middle of your belly or off to the sides?


Thought of another question...not sure what # pregnancy this is for you but do you usually get braxton hicks with your pregnancies?

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It's in the middle, above the pelvis, below the belly button. It's sore, achy, crampy. This is pregnancy #6, hopefully baby #5. Maybe I have felt this before but I really do not remember. I know that when I was crampy - near the end of the pregnancies in the past - that the doc recommended fluids. But I am only 15 weeks now. My stomach has felt kind of iffy again too.

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I also was crampy and achy during my pregnancy too, and my first trimester was very worrisome to me because of this. I did have lots of aches and pains in my second trimester as I was growing very fast (twins).


I would drink lots of water and rest; sometimes I would take a hot bath to help with the discomfort. If you are still feeling this way tomorrow, I might call my doctor's office just for some reassurance and peace of mind. They will let you know if they'd like to see you for a check. :grouphug:


I also wanted to add that I started having Braxton Hicks very early, about 16 weeks. It was my first pregnancy and I didn't know what they were.

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I'm a lot more crampy-ish with this pregnancy than I ever have been before. I get braxton hicks whenever a girlfriend gets me laughing, too, LOL. This is pregnancy #6, and hopefully my 4th healthy boy. I'm 20 1/2 weeks.



If your stomach is iffy-it could just be yucky stuff going on with your lower gi track.

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A little constipated (not terrible) but it feels like two distinct discomforts - one quesiness with the stomach and the other achiness/crampiness with the lower part of my pregnant belly. As I think of it there is some achiness on the sides and back too.


BTW - thank you for taking the time to ask and help - I really appreciate it.

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My last pregnancy, I had lots of pelvic discomfort throughout the whole thing. I think it has to do with things getting looser with each pg; there just isn't the support that used to exist. Also, if I remember correctly, the pelvic bones loosen up early on with subsequent pregnancies. So maybe it's some of that?


I also had cramps and braxton-hicks the entire time last time. I was hospitalized for preterm labor at 25 weeks because I'd started spotting along with the cramping.


I think it's just easier to feel everything the more times you've been pregnant. But I'd probably still check with the doctor tomorrow anyway. Better to be safe than sorry, ya know?

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If you're have some intestinal/GI issues it could be aggravating your uterus. Similar to how castor oil works to bring on labor, by irritating the bowels and thus the uterus.


If you are feeling aching/pulling near the sides then that's related to the uterus growing and stretching the round ligaments.


Getting plenty of water (1/2 your body weight in oz) will help. Upping your fiber intake too can help with the constipation.


It all sounds very normal to me (I was just asking similar questions to a client... about as far along as you are...just the other day who was complaining of similar symptoms). Of course, if you are concerned then it's worth a call to your OB to ask their advice and/or to be seen.


Keep up the water and rest! And don't sleep on your belly! :tongue_smilie:

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