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is this enough for a 2nd grader?


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I am thinking of switching curriculums....This is what she would be doing. She is 8 years old in 2nd grade.


CLE Math 2


handwriting workbook


OPGTR towards the last 1/3 of the book for review (i think she has memorized and this phonics program is more in depth than anything we have gone through)


bible-15 min each day together


WWE 1-since she really struggles with spelling/writing(not handwriting)




This is all so far. I will probably at some point (maybe I need to now) add in SOTW 1 with AG, possibly with biblioplan.

I also will add in Gods Design science or apologia elementary science.

I was going to wait until the fall so I can really focus on their phonics and get a good schedule going(we have 2 little ones running around and 2 school age) I was just going to get really good books from the library for them to read and for me to read aloud. (maybe this isn't enough)


The only thing after this that is missing is a reading program but I'm trying to decide if it is really necessary. We are using CLE but the diatrical markings are not working for us. The stories are good though. I'm a little nervous about the approach of WWE/FLL and not a formal reading program.


Thanks for your help, I have really learned a lot on this board.



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Hi Sherry!


I just plugged in your curricula into my own second grade curricula matrix:


Math -- CLE Math 2

Science -- Gods Design science or apologia elementary science

History -- SOTW 1 with AG

Spelling --

Grammar & Writing -- WWE & FLL

Silent Reading 30-45 min. -- library books

Bible -- 15 min each day together

Penmanship -- handwriting workbook


The only thing I would add is spelling, but it looks like you have a fantastic, well rounded program planned. :)




edited to add: in addition to the 30-45 minutes of fun literature reading, don't forget about the reading done for history. If you have books for both of these, do not worry about a separate reading program! :)

Edited by Heather in WI
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but for comparison's sake I'll tell you what my 2nd grader (ds7, he won't turn 8 till the middle of June) is doing.


*WWE 2 (just finished 1 before Christmas and started 2 this week)

*Memorization (scriptures and poems, he loves this, but it comes naturally for him)

*MUS Alpha (almost to Beta, yeah!!!)

*SOTW 1 (following topics with the older dc in HO Level 2 Ancients)

*Spelling Workout B

*Explode the Code book 3 (finishing this week, starting book 4 next week)

*Science: RS4K pre-level Chemistry (the olders are doing level 1 Chemistry)

*Reading: This one's a little tricky. We finished Blend Phonics a couple months ago and his grandpa offered to pay him a specific amount of $$ for finishing a specific amount of scripture before his next birthday. So, he's really motivated now to finish the scriptures. So, we are now alternating between an easy read (level 2 or 3) and reading scriptures together (he reads a column aloud then I read a column aloud, one chapter a day)


Wow, I didn't feel like he was doing that much till I typed it up!:confused: I guess I'll wait to hear what others are doing. I have always assumed he does more because older dc do more and they complain that he *never* does any work......:tongue_smilie:


Anyway, hope that helps!

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My 2nd grader schedule is very similar to what's been posted. We too finished FLL 1, WWE 1 and SWO-A before Christmas and are moving to the next level this week. I don't use a handwriting book, he practices a lot with our regular curriculum load. Once a week I have him practice cursive on lined paper. Sounds like you are on the right track.

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My second grade ds is doing the following. Please keep in mind this is our first year homeschooling and we are starting at the beginning with some programs.


Math - Finishing Singapore 2A

Reading - 15 minute read aloud (me) with written narration

Handwriting - HWT Print 2 and Cursive 3

Music - Suzuki Violin

Spelling - All About Spelling (just switched from Spelling Workout)

Reading - 15 minutes reading to himself with oral narration

Grammar - FLL2

Writing - WWE 1 (Doing this double time. Almost to level 2)

Science - Sonlight 2 Mechanical Technology

Geography - Daily Geography 2

Latin - Song School Latin

History - SOTW1

Art - Meet the Masters

Religion - Faith and Life series 1 time a week


Everything is covered daily except Geography (3x a week), Latin (2 times a week), History (2 times a week) and Art (whenever we can squeeze it in.) I was letting him slide more than I should on non-core subjects, but plan to be more strict this semester. I really need June and July completely off.

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You are close to what I am doing. I just made a few changes for this semester:


As homework in ps my boys in 1st grade had to read for 30 minutes a night. I break it up. She reads for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening.


Writing. This is the area that stumps me a little. She has written a lot of letters in addition to WWE. However, in ps I know they do TONS more writing. I have a notebook my younger boy did in 1st grade. It had word lists and he had to write stories with them. I homeschooled him in 2nd grade and he wrote paragraphs about what he read. So I'm starting to have her do that. She writes it down, which she hates because she knows it is full of errors. Then we talk about it and she must recopy it neatly. I plan to do one of these a week in either science or history. Last semester I just had her tell me and i would write it down and she would copy it.


I just started Apologia Astronomy with her. I wanted to get her into reading at least very simple chapter books before I added much else.


History- I will continue reading one book from the TOG list a week.



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I think it is fine as long as your child is thriving. DD was bored with school, so we added in Science and Unit Studies. She was also not reading much, so I got a program so that it would be required. SL 2 intermediate works very well because it is very easy to complete in only about 10 minutes (so she still has time for her own reading) but keeps her reading and completing good books. It also comes with comprehension questions (one or two per chapter) so that I can confirm that she has done the reading. I think it is a good move to finish OPGTR before starting spelling. HTH!

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