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As the intro post says, I have been feeling directionless since losing my job, becoming a SAHM, and putting my Ph.D. on hiatus and I wanted to set a goal for myself that wasn't about the kids, but could include them. So, I have set a challenge for myself to make a homemade product for 365 days. I would love some support (followers) and maybe to have people play along when I set up some challenges (like asking people to make something homemade on Thursdays and post about it).



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As the intro post says, I have been feeling directionless since losing my job, becoming a SAHM, and putting my Ph.D. on hiatus and I wanted to set a goal for myself that wasn't about the kids, but could include them. So, I have set a challenge for myself to make a homemade product for 365 days. I would love some support (followers) and maybe to have people play along when I set up some challenges (like asking people to make something homemade on Thursdays and post about it).




I didn't make an official resolution, but did decide that I would start making and completing homemade products this year. I finished a scarf for my mil I started two years ago and that to her just last week. My next finishing product is my husband's pj bottoms (that I started at the same time as mil's scarf). I would like to work through the year to make gifts for Christmas. I just finished teaching certification classes, and thought I'd continue on to a Master's, but joblessness and focusing more on my own dd's education put all that on hold. I feel I have more time focus on home and working with my hands (which I've actually enjoyed doing, but didn't find the time to do).


So, I'll continue smhobbies1.gif learning more advanced stuff, sewingsmilie.gif, and learn 3503101010101010.gif and more 7_20_9.gif. Right now, knitting is quite frustrating. I am also continuing to improve my smhobbies8.gif skill (but with food), but would like to start an early spring and fall garden this year.

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