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Bible Reading Tracker? Online?

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Does anyone here know of an online site that keeps track of Bible chapters read? We know there are sites like "One Year Bible Online" that will give the "assigned" chapters for each day, but do you know of anything that actually keeps track of chapters read and the percentage of the Bible read? I hope this isn't just wishful thinking on my part!





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I also want to say that I like your idea and would definitely use a tracker like that if it exists! It would be cool for it to show you every day after you've read how much left you have to go and how much you need to read each day to finish by a certain goal (which can be changed!).

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  • 1 year later...
Guest madturki

I was searching myself for a way that I could follow a reading plan OR read on my own. I couldn't find anything so I decided I would just make my own site to do it. My wife has read almost all the way through and I've read more than ever before. If you're interested check it out at http://www.logtheword.com . It seems to work on most smart phones too (iPhone, android). If you have any feedback let me know as I'm still working on it.


It'll email your daily reading as well and let you mark it read from the email. If you read stuff outside the plan on your own you can mark it read and once you get to it in the reading plan it'll skip it so you're not re-doing chapters but can complete more. If you switch plans it'll do the same thing and remember what you've read and just give you the new stuff.


Let me know what you think!

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