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Runkle geography

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I went to the Runkle Geography website. They say it is appropriate through high school. My freshman daughter could use a semester elective credit, otherwise she will be a bit behind for next year if she is able to go back to the private school.


I was thinking about using Runkle Geography with her and asking the school if they would give her 1/2 credit. Would this be appropriate for a freshman? Would it be difficult for her to finish it in a semester? Please keep in mind that due to her insomnia and related neurological issues she probably isn't functioning like a "typical" 9th grader. I don't want to push her too much but I still want the course to be grade appropriate.

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Yes - it is definitely appropriate for a 9th grader and can easily be a 1/2 credit. I used it for 2 of my kids in 8th grade and was planning to use it on my son who is now an 11th grader, but I think he would end up with too many credits if he did it. But - having used the course before - I had no problem considering it as a good high school 1/2 credit.


And I don't think it would over-strain your daughter - it is not 'easy' but my 8th graders managed As without much effort



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