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What's with the Spiders here????

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I just noticed something odd. If you go to the Main page, scroll down and click "currently active users", you'll see who is online and where they are in the forum. Click on the pages until the guests starts appearing. There's a few different "spiders" there. Are these viruses or spyware or something? :confused:

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I watch the board when I'm at work on the midnight shift. (not in any official capacity, not as a moderator, just as a concerned member!) I frequently see spammers (one was porn,....complete with pics.) and report them.


OOO that's nice of you! I've reported a few as well... only... these aren't members... you can see the members names without clicking on "currently active users". Had it been a person who registered (in order to post things or a comp that registered for spam purposes) they would at least show on the main page of users online... wouldn't they? :confused:


I just looked. That is weird. I know a bot is a computer, but it's strange that they would be looking at threads. :confused: I dunno. Weird.


Very weird indeed! We need a techie for this one, I think! ;)

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Some bots collect data for search engines like Google or MSN. This is how you can Google for terms and these pages come up.


I just went to look and it is MSN, AskJeeves, Google and Yahoo spiders....no problems, just information gathering.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Yes, bots and spiders collect information for search engines. That is how Google and others get the info they need so you can use them to search for information. Without them, the search engines would have no information to use. They are a good thing, in other words. :)

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