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Avatar? is it good for family and kids ages 12 and 14?

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I saw it yesterday with my DH. It was visually stunning but WAY too long and also I found it a bit politically correct for my tastes. There was a some vulgar language but it was along the lines of b**** rather than the f-bomb. There was also a scene where the aliens were mating. I don't think I'd let my kids see it at 12. Maybe at 14 but it would depend on the maturity of the individual child.


MovieMom rates it as appropriate for middle school. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops rates it as A-III (adults).

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Anyone see the new movie, Avatar? I read one review which said it was amazing but was heavy on foul language and sense of sexuality prevalent in female characters...is it something I could take the kiddos to see?


I absolutely loved it. Not so much the story line which was pretty standard, but the visuals, the beauty, and the concept of oneness with nature. Really, a beautiful movie. I also didnt find it too long at all. In fact, my friends and I were suprised it finished so soon- it felt like less time to us.

As far as foul language and sexuality- far, far less than in most movies I see nowadays. I would rate it perfeclty acceptable to all but the most sheltered kids- and i dont mean shelterd in a negative way- some families really do manage to protect their kids from virtually any explicit stuff- but it had less language than the Simpsons and less sexuality than your average sitcom. Or, maybe I am just numb to it nowadays.

I took my 14yo last night and he loved it. My dd15 went a couple of days ago and told me it was my kind of movie, and she was right.

Edited by Peela
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We saw it over the weekend and I wouldn't hesitate to take a 12 and 14 year old. There are some bad words, but that's very low on my radar. The visual aspects of this movie must be seen in a large screen to be fully appreciated - it's truly beautiful!


We are very conservative about what our kids see (they have only seen the first 2 Harry Potter movies, for example) - and we are probably taking them to see this in 3-D this week. I don't want them to miss the opportunity!


The mating scene shows some kissing and then they say they are mated for life. No detailed visuals or anything. I doubt my kids will even remember that scene when the (long) movie is over. It does clock in at something liek 2 hrs 45 minutes.

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