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You know how having the TV OFF...

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indicates that you're not watching it, so it's ok for anybody to walk in & turn it on to anything, even if you were really enjoying the quiet? And you know how hard that is to explain to *anybody*?


How do you explain to people who want to DO stuff, come see you, etc., that you "can't" if your "can't" is just...the only 2hrs of silence in your life, & you need it?


People are aggravated w/ us right now for being so busy all the time; they feel spurned. (Is that the right word?) Anyway, I feel SO bad to say, no, I'm sorry, that day won't work because I just don't want to see you then. And the other 6? We're busy as all get-out, & THAT'S why I don't want to do anything on the 7th.


I mean, it's awful enough to say to friends over. and. over. But to my GRANDMOTHER? I end up just saying, yes, come, because...what else can I say to a sweet old lady?


But in between her visits--she's a couple of hrs away--are my mom's, my sister's, & my in-laws want to do something almost every weekend. Gah!

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Look at the bright side...those of us who, for one reason or another, are orphans this time of year, without family (or at least family thats so incredibly toxic they can't be risked)


Hmmm...when I have an overdose of sugar, I share. Want some family? :D They're actually pretty wonderful.

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I am so feeling the same way. :glare:


I don't have the problem of family wanting to come over or do stuff, but we have plenty of other stuff keeping us busy and friends who get upset if we don't do stuff with them or send a daily email or talk to them on the phone several times a day....


And I love the silence when the TV is off. Unfortunately, it never lasts long. :glare:

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If its jsut for a short time coming up to Christmas, I would extend myself more than usual. I really need my space though. My dd15 is going through this right now- her boyfriend wants to be with her all day every day, and she just wants some time to herself and he doesnt understand...if shes not "doing" something, as in, working or doing school or some organised activitiy, she's just free, right? She has my need to blocks of time to just think, do nothing, clean her room, chat to her family, and hang out. Its undervalued but its just as important as "doing" stuff.

But this is a crazy time of year and all normal boundaries dont seem to apply.

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