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Favorite homeschooling blogs?

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I'm about to take my first steps into hsing and am looking for new ideas and inspiration (though this board has been INCREDIBLE! Thanks, Everyone!). Hopefully I'm not violating any board rules by asking this, but would you please share your favorite homeschooling blog(s)? Thanks!


ETA: I'm more interested in seeing what other parents are doing rather than blog from companies.

Edited by Staceyshoe
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You don't have to have nine children to enjoy DeEtta's blog. She writes about everything from military life, a recent move to Japan, funschooling with littles, children growing up and moving out, healthy eating (which I don't do either), and more.


Her wisdom and encouragement has blessed me for years, and I have to say I even had the privilege of meeting her and her family in person several years ago when they traveled through Colorado.


Choosing Joy

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there is a carnival of homeschool, this week it was hosted by The Common Room, the link for this week is *here

I find interesting blogs by clicking around the carnival.


one I enjoy is Se7en, she is pretty amazing with all the crafts she does.


The HBSA post...sorry, cant remember what that stands for...hosted a homeschool blog awards, there were some really good ones listed, sorry but the link I have isn't working... maybe later it will be up.


I like Melissa Wiley, too.

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Here are some I check out often:









Here's a link to a blog roll posted here a while ago--you can find some good ones there too!


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Oh--another good way to find good blogs: when you find one you like, see if they have a blogroll or list of blogs they like. I've found some great ones this way. :)

This is my favorite way, and the method that's worked best for me. Generally if I like how someone does their schooling, I like what they watch, as well.

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