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Has anyone here tried The Teaching Company's Algebra 1 Course?

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I'm thinking of using this as a refresher for dd this summer before she tackles Algebra II next year. She is taking Geometry right now, and her Algebra continues to be a weak point.


Of course any other ideas are welcome. But I thought that a dvd series might be better recieved by dd than yet more book work.......


Btw, dd excels in all things non-math. For Christmas she has asked for the sweatshirt with the slogan "I'm an English Major, you do the math". ;)

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The Alg I course they're selling now is brand new. The previous one (Prof. Nagoy?) was pretty outdated, I think. Some of the reviews were quite negative, saying it should be called "How to Use a Calculator." I'm glad they recorded a new course with a different professor ~ I just ordered it yesterday!


So....you may not get many (any?) reviews of the current Alg I course, since it is so new. I think there's only one review of it on the TC website.



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Instead of the Teaching Company for an Algebra I review, have you checked Chalkdust? They would be more pricey than the Teaching Company, but it would be a very thorough review, and the teacher is excellent. You don't have to buy the whole set, which includes the textbook, the DVD's, plus the support for the text. I can't find the right page, but there is a way to order just the DVD's.


Just a thought. I like the Teaching Company for many things, but I have the older version of Algebra I (haven't seen the new one, so perhaps that's an improvement), but we did not glean much from the set.

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Instead of the Teaching Company for an Algebra I review, have you checked Chalkdust? They would be more pricey than the Teaching Company, but it would be a very thorough review, and the teacher is excellent.


Search past threads for "Chalkdust for Less." Pongo posted the ISBNs for the Cengage/Houghton Mifflin-labeled Chalkdust dvds and textbooks ~ exact same DVDs, in a different package, for VASTLY less money. I put together complete sets for most of the math courses for between $40-70 each (that includes DVDs, textbook, & solutions manual). But I don't know how quickly a student could "skim" through Chalkdust for a basic review of concepts; the TC course might actually be more effective for that.



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Btw, dd excels in all things non-math. For Christmas she has asked for the sweatshirt with the slogan "I'm an English Major, you do the math". ;)


Since she's an English major, have you looked at Life of Fred Beginning Algebra? That might be the ideal solution for her, and it would be perfect to do over the summer. There is also a Fred's Home Companion for Beginning Algebra, which breaks the book down into individual lessons and provides extra practice ~ but your DD might prefer to just read the book as a "novel" and work the problems as she goes along. The LoF books are really brilliant ~ great stories, really really funny, and yet the math is quite rigorous. AND it's only $29, with free shipping! :)


Here are some sample pages from the LoF Beginning Algebra book:




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I just bought both the Algebra I and II courses from the TC earlier this month. My oldest son is using the course as a review for the Dolciani Modern Algebra book he is using. He thinks the examples are simplistic, but likes the course overall. My youngest son is using the course in preparation for the ACT in February. He likes the course as well because he is very visual and the professor shows the problems and graphs on the screen.


I think Prof. Sellers does a great job with this course. He is engaging and works through all of the steps for each problem he discusses; therefore, my son who is doing Algebra is getting a great review, while my middle son who has only had pre-algebra can follow along as well without getting lost.


I'm pleased with this TC purchase and have included many more of the high school courses to our library for future supplementary use. I can't pass up a great deal!



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All of you are so helpful and generous with your ideas. I'm still not decided as to our course, but I'm leaning toward the TC program, (especially after Beth's endorsement) and the Life of Fred idea. I think my dd would absolutely declare a mutiny if I offered another full course like Chalkdust. She is really feeling a lot of pressure and a lot of worry over her math "situation". She also has what I consider to be a very full academic plate right now. So I'd like her review to be as gentle as possible.


Again, thanks for your help,



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I thought you all might like to hear a conversation at our house today. My oldest (Z) and youngest (N) sons were playing a game on the computer. My youngest son asked why something happened, so my oldest son asked him a question to help him figure it out for himself.


Here's the conversation:

Z: "What is 1 minus 8?" (he meant to ask "What is 8 minus 1?")

N: "Minus 7!" (after thoughtful consideration)

Z: "How did you know that?" (in amazement)

N: "I learned it from your Algebra DVD."


N will sit and watch a little of the Algebra I DVD with his brothers, but he usually doesn't stay very long. He definitely got more out of it than I expected! I thought it was a good testimony for Prof. Sellers.


Merry Christmas!

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