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bad eggs

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I bought 3 dz eggs Friday. The date on them is 12-18-09. Just a little bit ago I boiled some. When I peeled them, instead of being firm the whites were smooshy. And they smelled. Not a real strong, knock you off your feet smell, but there definitely a bad smell when I peeled the shell off.


I went and got another egg out of the fridge and cracked it into a cup. It smelled OK, looked OK. But after those eggs I boiled I'm afraid to eat them. I've never seen eggs do that before.

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Well, the eggs in any given dozen all come from different chickens, so it's possible you just got a dud. I was making eggs for breakfast a few mornings ago when I picked up one that was suspiciously light. It definitely had liquid in it, but the weight was just really strange. I cracked it open and the white was really thick and gluey and was tinged yellow, and the yolk was unusually firm. It wouldn't even come out of the shell! But every other egg in the dozen was totally normal.


Only you can decide if you want to eat them though. Maybe boil up the rest of the dozen and see if they cook normally? Then make some egg salad!


ETA: Hmmm, I didn't realize all the ones you boiled were like that. In that case, I'd take those yucky boiled eggs and the rest of the ones you bought back to the grocery store and ask them to exchange them for fresh eggs. I bet they'd be glad to do it.

Edited by melissel
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Well, the eggs in any given dozen all come from different chickens, so it's possible you just got a dud. I was making eggs for breakfast a few mornings ago when I picked up one that was suspiciously light. It definitely had liquid in it, but the weight was just really strange. I cracked it open and the white was really thick and gluey and was tinged yellow, and the yolk was unusually firm. It wouldn't even come out of the shell! But every other egg in the dozen was totally normal.


Only you can decide if you want to eat them though. Maybe boil up the rest of the dozen and see if they cook normally? Then make some egg salad!


ETA: Hmmm, I didn't realize all the ones you boiled were like that. In that case, I'd take those yucky boiled eggs and the rest of the ones you bought back to the grocery store and ask them to exchange them for fresh eggs. I bet they'd be glad to do it.



Yeah, I've gotten an odd egg every once in a while. But this was all 4 eggs. The thing is, I brought all 3 dz home and put them all in the egg holder in my fridge and threw out the egg cartons. And I bet I threw the receipt away.


I'll try boiling some more tomorrow and see what happens. If they all turn out the same way, I'll throw throw them out I guess.

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