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Saying goodbye to cable tv --

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That sounds a lot like our tv! :lol:

My DH has hooked up a computer to our tv and we can store all our DVDs on it so that DH doesn't have to get up and pop in a DVD! We can also tape any shows on the basic tv stations we do get. (No massive cable package for us) And you can exit the main viewing software to watch anything you want on the internet. It gets really confusing for my parents when they come so they use the old DVD player only. But most of DH's friends are interested in doing a similar set-up, too bad their wives aren't as cool as me. ;)


Thanks for the article. My DH is going to love reading it!

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We just sat and researched all the options for getting rid of cable yesterday. After our guests leave on Jan. 2, we are done with it. I am SO excited! The only glitch we see is DH being able to watch sporting events... he's hesitant because of that, but we'll figure that out. I'm thinking there's something out there that will let him do this???

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That sounds a lot like our tv! :lol:

My DH has hooked up a computer to our tv and we can store all our DVDs on it so that DH doesn't have to get up and pop in a DVD! We can also tape any shows on the basic tv stations we do get. (No massive cable package for us) And you can exit the main viewing software to watch anything you want on the internet. It gets really confusing for my parents when they come so they use the old DVD player only. But most of DH's friends are interested in doing a similar set-up, too bad their wives aren't as cool as me. ;)


Thanks for the article. My DH is going to love reading it!


A friend of ours has a media center/Xbox set up. Streams movies to his Xbox via Netflix and and Windows Media Center (his DVD and CD collections are on a PC with a huge harddrive accessible via windows media center). He also has some remote wireless access and watches movies from his collection on his laptop when he's away from home or plugs it in to the s-video and watches them on any tv.


It's all pretty amazing. I see cable-tv as a dinosaur in the not to distant future.

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My dh watches football online. (Well, we have satellite internet which doesn't stream well, so "watching" is a bit of a stretch for what he does, but you get the idea.) Many TV stations and networks broadcast their programs, including sports, online. Also, there is a station online that shows football games minus all the timeouts and commercial breaks and such... it's all action only. The game takes about 20 minutes to watch. I'll have to ask my dh what site that's on. There must be something like it for other sports as well.

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What happened to just giving up cable and not watching TV at all? :lol:


Seriously it all seems confusing to the electronic nerd like me...



I think we could do this most days, but I'm not sure my DH would be willing to go tv free.

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We have never had cable. When digital TV premiered, we were so excited because our local PBS now has FOUR channels with different programming! (We call digital TV "poor man's cable".)


We do use Netflix, and I've been wanting to get a Roku device.



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