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Another What Would You Serve with This?

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So, we've been in a rut and I've been on the look-out for some new menu ideas. We have some but for a couple we just don't know what to serve along side.


Pretty please give me any and all ideas that are vegetarian, healthy and frugal.


Some of you are thinking that since you aren't vegetarians you won't know what to serve but that isnt' true! I'm sure you know of plenty of side dishes that don't have meat.


Friday my daughter will be serving cheese fondu with bread and veggies for dipping. I'm supposed to provide the side dish. I have never had fondu but she got the recipe from Geronimo Stilton and really wants to make it and since it's her cooking night . . . but what do I fix with it???


Also, I'll be serving a souffle next week. This is another thing I've never had so I just don't know what to serve with it. I could go with the old stand-by of some kind of green or tomato salad but I'm looking for inspiration.



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