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Canning Soups

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Who here cans homemade soup - and will you share some of your tips?


I made some turkey and noodle soup in the slow cooker the other day and it was really-really good (I just combined a couple recipes I found online, then changed it to suit! Don't know if I can reproduce the recipe but I'm surely going to try in the not-too-distant future)! Anyway, I got to thinking that I'd like to can homemade soups like the turkey noodle, and chicken noodle, chili, potato, etc.


Can this be successfully, safely done? Do you use the pressure cooker or the hot water bath? What-what-what??? Any help you can give would be most appreciated!


Also, if you have a favorite soup recipe that cans well and would like to share it - that would be great!


Thank you!

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One time I did can a meat soup in the pressure canner. However I did not like the end result. So now I simply freeze them instead. One thing I do, though, is not put pasta/noodles in before freezing. I make the rest of the soup, and freeze that, then add the pasta once the soup is hot, and cook until done.

Edited by JoyfulMama
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I use wide mouthed pint or 3 cup canning jars--those are the ones with the straight sides all the way to the top. That way I don't have to thaw them completely to get the contents out of the jar and into a pot. I can just soak the jar in a bowl of hot water until the soup on the sides of the jar is melted, and then the whole mass can slide out into the pot to finish warming up.


This also works great for spaghetti sauce and refried beans, both of which I like to make in big batches and freeze to keep on hand.

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A friend of mine had our family over a few months ago to teach us how to can soup. We made vegetable soup with potatoes, carrots, onions from our garden and celery, seasonings. It was so easy--we just chopped it all up, filled up the jars w/ veggies & seasonings, filled it mostly to the top with water, put the lids on and put them in the pressure canners. We made 21 quarts.


With vegetables and meats it has to be a pressure canner, not the hot water bath kind. Those can only be used for fruits & jams. Before we went to my friend's house, I did a few google searches and found some helpful websites out there. There were tons of recipes out there, too.






I'm giving my parents a pressure canner for Christmas, so next year I plan to 'help' them with their harvest & share in the bounty, too. :001_smile:


Good luck!

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Soup can be home canned, but it must be canned in a pressure cooker. I can my great-grandmother's recipe for tomato soup, and even though tomatoes are a high acid food, the pressure canner must still be used because of the other low acid vegetables in it. A good canning guide is the Ball Blue Book: Guide to Home Canning, Freezing, and Dehydration. If you follow its directions then your home canned food will be safe to eat.

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Soup can be home canned, but it must be canned in a pressure cooker. I can my great-grandmother's recipe for tomato soup, and even though tomatoes are a high acid food, the pressure canner must still be used because of the other low acid vegetables in it. A good canning guide is the Ball Blue Book: Guide to Home Canning, Freezing, and Dehydration. If you follow its directions then your home canned food will be safe to eat.


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