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Your best pork chop recipe?

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Trim off bone & fat.


Beat with a meat tenderizer on both sides until very thin.


If you're starting with a large pork chop, you may need to cut it in half when you're beating with the tenderizer or it won't fit on a frying pan.


I start with 4 in. fast fry (thin) chops & they usually double in size once I've finished whacking them.


Prepare 3 plates or soup plates:


1) flour with salt & freshly ground pepper


2) beaten egg


3) bread crumb


Dip each chop in 1, 2, 3 & then fry in a bit of safflower oil, without crowding, Often that means one at a time on a big shallow pan. Place in warm oven, directly on rack while cooking the others.


Serve with slice of lemon on top, mashed potatoes, & steamed veg (traditionally cooked sauerkraut)


This is often served here in Ukrainian, Polish & German restaurants as "breaded pork schnitzel".

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Trim off bone & fat.


Beat with a meat tenderizer on both sides until very thin.


If you're starting with a large pork chop, you may need to cut it in half when you're beating with the tenderizer or it won't fit on a frying pan.


I start with 4 in. fast fry (thin) chops & they usually double in size once I've finished whacking them.


Prepare 3 plates or soup plates:


1) flour with salt & freshly ground pepper


2) beaten egg


3) bread crumb


Dip each chop in 1, 2, 3 & then fry in a bit of safflower oil, without crowding, Often that means one at a time on a big shallow pan. Place in warm oven, directly on rack while cooking the others.


Serve with slice of lemon on top, mashed potatoes, & steamed veg (traditionally cooked sauerkraut)


This is often served here in Ukrainian, Polish & German restaurants as "breaded pork schnitzel".



I lived in Eastern Europe for a year (many years ago) and am very familiar (and fond of!) schnitzel! Thanks for reminding me of the possibility.:)

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