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Ken Burns Civil War documentary-how graphic is it?


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Dd almost 10 loved his Lewis and Clark documentary and we're about to study Civil War and would like to watch his Civil War doc. I'm guessing there are some gruesome pictures though? She is not super sensitive but I don't really want to expose to too much too soon. She has been to a Civil War encampment and is familiar with the fact that there were amputations, etc. She says it won't bother her to see the bodies on the ground but is there much more than that?

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We watched it this summer with my 9 yo and 6 yo dds. I thought 6 yo would go off and do her own thing, but she didn't want us watching it without her! We all really enjoyed it and it added a lot to our studies. I don't remember gory pictures, but there are battle pictures with bodies of dead men and horses. My dds are not particularly sensitive.

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This is an excellent documentary. I still get chills remembering the very end, which is a short film showing a reunion between soldiers from both sides.


The part that bothered me the most visually was the photos of Andersonville prison survivors. They are brief but intense. My dd's weren't bothered, though, which is usually how it goes around here.

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I'm relieved to hear this! The Civil War is so broad and so vast, and while we plan to read some books, I'd like a thorough and visual overview like this to give us familiarity without having to wade through tons of books on all the different battles, etc.


The Lewis and Clark one was so well done-I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it!

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