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does anyone make sandwiches ahead and freeze them until neeed?

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How long do they stay good?


I'm considering making pb&j's, cheese, and deli meat with cheese ahead and freezing them until we need.


Not sure they'd last longer than a week but still it'd be nice to know just in case something gets dropped down in the deep freezer for a while. :D

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rolls, meat, and cheese. They kept them in the freezer and took them out as needed, adding mayo and mustard before eating. I don't know how it would work with pb&j, though.

And I think they would last indefinitely, although they might get freezer burn, but freezer burn never killed anyone. (That I know of.)

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My dh does this all the time. Every Sunday night he will make up 10 rolls or sandwiches and freeze eight of them. That way he has his lunch for the week, just pull out a couple of rolls in the morning, they defrost by lunchtime.


He puts anything and everything in - ham, cheese and mayo; roast pork and apple sauce; spaghetti bolognaise. They all seem to work fine and don't go soggy.

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I do it all the time; they keep longer than a week, but that might depend on your freezer.


I've done curried egg (hard boiled egg, butter and curry powder mushed together) but egg can be dodgy to freeze (I think it needs a good coating of butter), so try a small batch first! As a kid my mom did this with ham and cheese, chicken, cheese. Probably other stuff, I've forgotten. In those days we were allowed to take peanut butter to school, so probably that too.


The thing that has the best hit rate in my family is home-made pizza rolls. I make up a batch of regular dough in my breadmaker (or by hand, breadmaker is faster), then divide it up, roll them flat, put in the toppings, and close 'em up and bake them.



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