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Turkey Trot results, good and bad, need advice as well

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Well, it's done and it was much harder than I thought. I did a 10K in wine country and though I've jogged more than 10K before, I found myself really challenged. The event started late which was really annoying. It was cold and raining. I wished I had proper runner's raingear but considering it rains once a year in SoCal, I didn't think it was worth buying one. It felt like everybody passed me.


It was fun. I liked the trail. The hill work, which I thought I had trained for, was still hard. I must say, though, that I didn't stop to rest once. The only time I stopped was to take off my dh's golf weatherproof shirt thingy. I couldn't manage that while running. I was by myself which made me a little sad. Almost everybody had running buddies or their families. Later on, my dh surprised me by showing up. Actually he was there most of the race but I run with such tunnel vision, I passed his truck twice on the route and didn't even notice.


The monster hill was the last one. I don't know how often you guys go to a vineyard but their driveways (around here anyway) are straight up. Miles 2-3, my moral was low. Okay, so the best part is I did it 1 hour and 6 minutes and I wasn't last! I was hoping to do it in an hour (that's just a figure I pulled out of my head). Dh said I was in the middle of the group. The crowning moment was when I sprinted up that +90 degree driveway. Did you know that was the easiest part? Dh asked how come I didn't run like that for the rest of the race?


The bad part. I went home and had very bad diarrhea. The kind where you never leave your room. I am just now feeling better and keep some liquid and food in me. This happened last week when I did an 8 mile run. Dh said it is because I didn't eat beforehand and I dehydrated myself (both times). I though I drank enough the day and night before. I didn't want to have to pee during the race. There was no place to go! I did notice that my stomach starts to make funny noises at a certain point in running. Is it lack of food and hydration or is it something else.

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Dh said it is because I didn't eat beforehand and I dehydrated myself (both times). I though I drank enough the day and night before. I didn't want to have to pee during the race. There was no place to go! I did notice that my stomach starts to make funny noises at a certain point in running. Is it lack of food and hydration or is it something else.


I think you ought to do some research about eating and hydrating before your next run. I know that a friend who is a serious runner has said that you need to start your hydration routine several days before the event, not just the day before and day of the run.


Good for you for completing the run and in such a good time!

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