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Jinnah, here's a :grouphug:for you.


I still don't see anything wrong with your initial post. You said something "gives you chills". Okay, that doesn't mean it will give the next guy or gal chills. I found the article really interesting and I do believe in spiritual warfare and that things like that go on. We're dealing with a supernatural God and I remind myself of that all the time. In the future, if it's something that you think some Christians might find interesting (not all, of course, since we're such a diverse group), then put CC or christian content in your title.


Like you, I never set out to make people angry, upset them, etc...but it does happen. You've apologized, so now you can move on:001_smile:.


Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.



Edited by Alison in KY
Didn't want to break board rules.
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Guest Cindie2dds
Oh wow, why was it deleted? I don't think I said anything that was against board rules. :confused: Are we not to talk about Christian issues on here?


Thanks for the advice, Alison. :grouphug:




I was going to post something in there also. I just wanted to tell you I read your responses and I wanted to give you a pat on the back for really trying to talk to everyone and explain where you were coming from. It's very hard to understand what someone means over the computer. I could tell from your tone that you never intended to offend anyone. :grouphug:

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You do realize that this will probably be deleted too, right? Because you are not supposed to resurrect closed or deleted threads?


Well, I just slowly and carefully read through the board rules. So I guess I do see a chance of that happening. Then again, I wasn't trying to resurrect her old post at all. I guess this might be taken that way though. I just really wanted to clue her in about posting the CC warning and to tell her not to feel bad about her post. The apology is said and done and now we're moving on:D


Now back to my headache and dirty house:auto:



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