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What are you getting your kids for Christmas?

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:glare: We aren't having any gifts under our tree....


Well, all I can say is thank goodness for grandma! She sends stuff every year- not a lot- but sufficient.


As for us, I just posted to Freecycle for a basket. I'm planning to make a pretty sewing basket for her, and having things to put in it- some mine, some from freecycle. I need her to stay out of my stuff!! Last year, I made her an apron from freecycle jeans and a quilt (my first) from (some) freecyle fabric and buttons. Here's pics: http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/creativeplay/648957/


Oh! I did blow about $40 on a bunch of dvds I know the family will like, and I'm wrapping those individually :D. Maybe I'll finish the pj's I started on for my dh 2 years ago :lol:. Oops, forgot, this thread is only about kids.

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