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What are optimal ferritin levels?

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OK - my Dr. said that my level of 41 was "fine" but I've been feeling like I didn't trust that answer. . .

Depends on the lab that did the testing. There will be some variation between labs. Lab reports should say what the reference values are for that specific lab.

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OK - my Dr. said that my level of 41 was "fine" but I've been feeling like I didn't trust that answer. . .


The first time I went to a dr to get my iron levels checked I was told they were "fine." The reality was that they never checked my ferritin, and my hemoglobin was one point above what is officially considered anemic--so I was NOT fine, I was borderline anemic. I would consider 41 to be not terrible, but needing improvement. I would not consider anything below 60 to be "fine, especially if you have symptoms that indicate you are not fine. If I were you I'd go ahead and start iron supplementation and recheck in six months.

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The lab I use has a reference range of 10-291. Which is an extremely broad range. I have had ferritin stores as high as 282 (I felt great) and as low as 3(at times breathing felt like too much work). When mine gets below about 50, I can feel it. Below 20 and I'm useless. My PCP says she is useless below about 45 so she is amazed how I can keep going when mine is dropping. So each person varies a bit with what they need but if you are below 75-100 and feel drained all the time, I would be investigating iron suppliments (and of course consulting with a doctor before actually taking them)


The number from the lab is only one component because it will never tell the whole story.

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The lab I use has a reference range of 10-291. Which is an extremely broad range. I have had ferritin stores as high as 282 (I felt great) and as low as 3(at times breathing felt like too much work). When mine gets below about 50, I can feel it. Below 20 and I'm useless. My PCP says she is useless below about 45 so she is amazed how I can keep going when mine is dropping. So each person varies a bit with what they need but if you are below 75-100 and feel drained all the time, I would be investigating iron suppliments (and of course consulting with a doctor before actually taking them)


The number from the lab is only one component because it will never tell the whole story.


What complicates things is that I have fibromyalgia which means that I tend to feel drained all the time anyway. But it took Doctors years to test my vitamin D, which was really low and having that supplemented has made a huge difference for the better in my health. Now this time I insisted that my ferritin level be tested as well because I've been having periods twice a month and felt even more drained than normal. She said that my ferritin had dropped much lower than it had been a year ago when I had been tested but that the lab form still showed that it was "fine". She's a really good Dr. 90% of the time but this was one time when a red flag went up for me and I decided to do some extra checking on my own.

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